Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
the two axes of the observation uncertainty ellipse is used to 
specify a weight for the observation in the classification 
averaging. Depending on the magnitude of this metric, a 
corresponding weight is assigned to each observation. The 
average classification vector is then calculated by: 
c — 
C N 
since a target may stop, move, accelerate, etc. Since only 
position measurements are available, a simple four-state 
(position and velocity along each axes) CV (constant velocity) 
target motion model in which the target acceleration is 
modelled as white noise provides satisfactory results. 
Figure 5 shows the absolute and relevant values of the 
execution times per frame of the SDF server modules. The 
particular times have been acquired by working under the map 
fusion mode. The data fusion module appears to be the most 
time consuming one. 
These parameters ( Z , R , C ) of each fused observation 
comprise the input for the tracking unit. 
5.1.2. Foreground map fusion 
In this technique, each ATU provides the SDF server with one 
greyscale image per polling cycle, indicating the probability for 
each pixel to belong to the foreground. The SDF server fuses 
these maps together by warping them to the ground plane and 
multiplying them (Khan, 2006). The fused observations are then 
generated from these fused maps using connected component 
analysis and classification information is computed as in the 
ATU’s blob classification module. Although this technique has 
increased computational and network bandwidth requirements, 
when compared to grid-based fusion, it can very robustly 
resolve occlusions between multiple views. 
5.2 Multiple Target Tracking 
The tracking unit is based on the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking 
(MHT) algorithm, which starts tentative tracks on all 
observations and uses subsequent data to determine which of 
these newly initiated tracks are valid. Specifically, MHT 
(Blackman, 1999) is a deferred decision logic algorithm in 
which alternative data association hypotheses are formed 
whenever there are observation-to-track conflict situations. 
Then, rather than combining these hypotheses, the hypotheses 
are propagated in anticipation that subsequent data will resolve 
the uncertainty. Generally, hypotheses are collections of 
compatible tracks. Tracks are defined to be incompatible if they 
share one or more common observation. MHT is a statistical 
data association algorithm that integrates the capabilities of: 
• Track Initiation: Automatic creation of new tracks 
as new targets are detected. 
• Track Termination: Automatic termination of a track 
when the target is no longer visible for an extended 
period of time. 
• Track Continuation: Continuation of a track over 
several frames in the absence of observations. 
• Explicit Modelling of Spurious Observations 
• Explicit Modelling of Uniqueness Constraints: An 
observation may only be assigned to a single track at 
each polling cycle and vice-versa. 
Specifically, the tracking unit was based on a fast 
implementation of the MHT algorithm (Cox, 1996). A 2-D 
Kalman filter was used to track each target and additional 
gating computations are performed to discard observation - 
track pairs. More specifically, a “gate” region is defined around 
each target at each frame and only observations falling within 
this region are possible candidates to update the specific track. 
The accurate modelling of the target motion is very difficult, 
Figure 5: Execution times of SDF modules 
In this section, experimental results that concern the most 
crucial and computationally expensive modules of the ATU and 
SDF software are presented and discussed. These modules have 
been identified as the background extraction module for the 
ATUs and the data fusion module for the SDF server. 
For the purposes of deciding on the most appropriate 
background extraction technique for the specific applications, 
tests have been run on various sequences. The masks shown on 
Figure 6 are obtained from the prototype system installation at 
“Macedonia” airport in Thessaloniki. Figure 6 (a) shows the 
original image, while in Figure 6 (b) the three moving objects 
that need to be detected by the background extraction methods 
are marked with red circles. As seen in Figure 6 (c) the objects 
are detected with the mixture of Gaussians method, although 
the shape of the masks is distorted due to shadows. The results 
of the Bayes algorithm are shown in Figure 6 (d). This method 
fails to detect slowly moving objects like the one on the left of 
the image. The Lluis et al method shown in Figure 6 (e) 
produces masks with low level of connectivity, which are not 
suitable for the following image processing steps. Finally the 
non-parametric modelling method (in Figure 6 (f)) yields very 
accurate results, while coping well with shadows, as it 
incorporates an additional post processing step of shadow 
Another crucial issue when deciding on the most appropriate 
background extraction algorithm is its execution time. To 
evaluate the computation complexity, all four methods were 
applied on three sequences of different resolutions (320x740px, 
640x480px, 768x576px). The execution times per frame for 
each of the four methods and three sequences are presented on 
Figure 7. An Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz with 1GB of RAM 
running on Windows XP Pro was used and all algorithms were 
implemented in C++ using the open source library OpenCV. 
Taking into consideration both the qualitative results and the 
computational complexity of background extraction methods, 
the non-parametric modelling emerges as the one having the 
best trade-off between results quality and execution times. 
Data fusion 70% 
Tracker 1% Display 29% 
(0.22 ms) (13.25ms)

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