Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
Opening & Closing, Hit-or-Miss Transformation and etc. for 
getting more information about morphological functions and 
algorithms and their applications see (Gonzalez, 2002). 
2.3 MST Algorithms 
Given a connected, undirected and weighted graph G=(V,E), a 
Minimum Spanning Tree T is a connected sub graph of G such 
that there is no cycle in T and the edges in T create a path 
between any two nodes in G, and the sum of the weights of the 
edges in T is minimized. 
The most prominent MST algorithms are Kruskal and Prime 
which are considered Greedy algorithms. 
In each phases of "Greedy algorithms, a decision is made that 
appears to be good, without regard for future consequences. 
Generally, this means that some local optimum is chosen. This 
strategy is the source of the name for this class of algorithms. 
When the algorithm terminates, we hope that the local optimum 
is equal to the global optimum. If this is the case, then the 
algorithm is correct; otherwise, the algorithm has produced a 
suboptimal solution. Both of these algorithms find the optimal 
solution of the problem but in different methods. Kruskal 
algorithm finds MST based on edges but Prime algorithm find 
MST based on Vertices, But both of them have the same result. 
Since in this research Kruskal algorithm has been used, this 
algorithm is introduced. 
Kruskal algorithm was initially presented by Juseph Kruskal in 
1965. steps of This algorithm are as follows: 
1. Find the cheapest edge in the graph (if there is more 
than one, pick one at random). 
2. Find the cheapest unmarked edge in the graph that 
doesn't close a cycle. 
3. Repeat Step 2 until you reach out to every vertex of 
the graph (or you have N Vertices and N-l edges, 
where N is the number of Vertices. 
Designing variety of networks like phone lines, Electronic and 
hydraulic lines, TV cables, computer and road networks are the 
Main applications of MST 
In order to better understanding of the proposed road extraction 
system implementation, Figure 1 denotes the diagram of it. 
Using these diagram, different procedures of the proposed 
system can be described as follows: 
3.1 Input Images 
Input data of the proposed road extraction system are multi- 
spectral and pan-sharpened IKONOS images of Lavasan city in 
Iran (with respectively 4 and 1 meters spatial resolution). The 
proposed system investigates capability and amount of system 
success in extraction of different shaped roads such as straight, 
spiral, junction and square. No additional data is used for 
implementation of the system except for what is mentioned. 
Figure 2 represents the IKONOS tested images of Lavasan city 
in Iran (with respectively 4 and 1 meters spatial resolution). 
3.2 Pre-processing of Images 
Image enhancement in order to modifying the value of image 
pixels, is a classical method for improving the visual 
perception. In this research Linear Histogram Stretching 
technique using PCI Geomatica V9.1 software is used for 
preprocessing of the images when it is needed. By using this 
method. Image gray level values are transformed from 
observation domain to complete dynamic domain using linear 
transform function. 
Although the processed image is more suitable than the original 
image for some applications, in classification application (that 
is used in this research) it is suggested not to use this technique 
as much as possible. Because changing the gray level values 
may mislead the classification procedure. 
1. Input 
2. Preprocessing 
3. Classification 
4. Post Processing 
5. Road Extraction 
6. Results 
Figure 1. Semi- automatic road extraction Diagram 
Figure 2. Multi-spectral and pan-sharpened IKONOS 
images of Lavasan citv in Iran (Input images)

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