Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Beijing 2008 
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
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these found image patches we repeat this procedure recursively. 
The depth ’rec’ of recursion is a parameter, which we choose per 
default as rec = 3 but can be set by the user. The procedure is 
summarised in Alg. 1. 
Algorithm 1 Recursive buildup of similarity graph 
Require: rec, Ti,I 
Ensure: (/('T', £,J>) 
1: R = [p(x 0 ,x(i,j))] Vi,j 
2: X = non-maximum-suppression(F?, Tj) 
3: add as and X to V and establish £ and S = (p(3S), A)} 
4: depth of recursion = 1 
5: while depth of recursion < rec do 
6: for k = l,...,length(X) do 
7: R = \p(x k ,x(i,j))] Vi, j 
8: X = non-maximum-suppression(/?, Tj) 
9: add XtoV and update £ and S = |p(ai), A)} 
10: end for 
11: end while 
Unsupervised clustering using a similarity graph Finding 
clusters is based on a reduced similarity graph. Buhmann and 
Hofmann (1994) study the pairwise clustering problem in the 
framework of maximum entropy estimation. They assume only 
pairwise dissimilarity values are available and achieve grouping 
the data into clusters by minimising the sum of dissimilarities be 
tween data of the same cluster. In (Hofmann and Buhmann, 1997) 
they upgrade their method by a deterministic annealing approach 
and use pairwise data clustering to segment textured images. We 
in a first instance perform the clustering by simple thresholding, 
which is certainly suboptimal, but may be replaced by a more 
rigorous procedure. Therefore, we cut all edges with weights 
p < Tj and derive connected components of the graph. So the 
vertices v% G V of the reduced similarity graph (f (V£,5) 
represent instances tq of class c G C. Two vertices Vi and Vj are 
connected in case the similarity s(as, 7(f) — p(xi,xf > T-2 is 
larger than a threshold Tj, thus the existence of indicates a 
high similarity. As this threshold T2 is chosen to be larger than 
T\ not all vertices in G are connected. We assume instances in 
one connected component to belong to the same subclass. 
Per default we choose the correlation coefficients Tl = 0.6 and 
T2 = 0.8 as thresholds. We are currently investigating the ade 
quate choice of these parameters. 
Supervised labelling of found clusters The identification of 
the subclasses is based on the user’s judgement. For each cluster 
the user has to specify whether it represents a subclass of the class 
envisaged, another class not yet envisaged, or the rejection class. 
The user thus establishes a simple class hierarchy with multiple 
classes Ck, including the rejection class, with the subclasses Cki- 
E. g. we may take the class window as the envisaged class, man 
ually identify a window by its bounding box and - as an example 
- may have found four clusters, which turn out to be of different 
type, e. g. windows with and without crossbar and with a round 
top, and another cluster of balconies, see Fig. 2(a). 
Representation of prototypes We assume that our clustering 
and labelling process generates well closed clusters for each class. 
Thus we may assume the p. d. f. to have one mode, or at maxi 
mum a few. We might use the mean feature vector as prototype 
and characterize it by its covariance matrix. The chosen algo 
rithms for finding prototypes need to be seen within the complete 
scheme of incremental learning, which poses restrictions on the 
representation which need to be updatable incrementally. 
We determine a prototype by finding a representative instance as 
a function of the found instances. In our first realization we use 
the mean images as prototypes for each class. So we define the 
prototype p c of each class c G C as 
1 Nc 
Pc — X — X/ Xn ^ 
C 71=1 
where c Xi are the feature vector of instances c 35 of class C and 
N c is their number. 
To achieve invariance on different object sizes we scale our pro 
totypes to a given fixed size. 
Experiments with getting prototypes Fig. 2(a) shows a fa 
cade with four floors and five window columns. We observe 
two classes of facade elements: windows and balconies. The 
windows can be partitioned into four subclasses. We add the 
cornices to the windows as a characteristic feature. We chose 
a bounding box around the second window on the third floor to 
define a single example. To reduce the computational costs we re 
sized the image, so that the templates got size 50 x 70 pixels. We 
took our default parameter set with recursion depth of three and 
Ti = 0.6 and T2 = 0.8 as thresholds for correlation coefficients. 
Fig. 2(b) shows the mean images of found clusters together with 
labels given by the user manually, see figure caption for explana 
tion the numbers. Obviously, the joint p. d. f. of features has such 
a form that the chaining effect allows a drift of the found image 
patches to different clusters. The third found cluster (third image 
at first line) shows that the cornices were identified as a cluster 
of multiple occurring elements. Indeed, this element is the most 
frequent element in image. But as we are not interested in such 
objects we chose this cluster to be background. As a further ef 
fect of the chaining effect we reached the desired drift to not only 
different types of the same super class but also to a new super 
class. Hence, the process identified two new window subclasses. 
And as the balconies are very similar to the windows, the process 
also identified them as related class. 
Fig. 2(c) shows found image patches marked with their label. 
Nearly all interesting instances were found excepting three win 
dows on the upper floor. The rectangular windows without cor 
nice could not be distinguished from those with cornices. But all 
others were correctly found and matched to their class. Finally, 
Fig. 2(d) shows the corresponding object hierarchy with classes 
represented by their prototypes. 
4.2 Classification 
Models for classification can be generative or discriminative. 
Generative models capture the essence of the class explicitly and 
allow sampling of instances, e. g. feature vectors from their com 
pactly represented distribution. Incremental learning of genera 
tive models is incrementally changing the class description. Dis 
criminative models explicitly represent differences between two 
or more classes. They make the decision process explicit. Incre 
mental learning is changing the decision rules, e. g. the decision 
function. Incremental learning is much easier in generative mod 
els. The efficiency of discriminative models in general is much 
higher. This is the reason why both representations should be 
integrated, cf. (Skocaj et al., 2006). In a first step towards incre 
mental learning we follow the approach of Fidler (2006) and use 
augmented PCA as generative model for our classes and LDA for 
representing the decision functions. 
This procedure is called LDA on augmented PCA (LDAaPCA) 
and as result we obtain feature vectors y for every image patch in 
the final classification subspace which is of dimension C — 1.

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