Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Zhou Li, Sun Jia-long, Li Wei-xiao, Bai He, Chen Wei-wei 
Spatial information science Faculty, HuaiHai Institute of Technology ,Lianyungang 222001,China 
Commission III, WG/4 
KEY WORDS: 3D Geographical information system (GIS), Digital photogrammetry, 3D Modeling, Data structures, Digital campus 
With the rapid development of applications in 3D GIS, the defects in 2D GIS, which is no intuitive feelings, no convenient to 
manage the space object and no certainty to express the information and so on, are more obvious. 3D GIS can recover geographical 
environment. Every points in 3D models have their true coordinates, so they can express terrain features in intuitive way and realize 
the management and analysis of 3D visualization.As the 3D modeling is currently built the structure as a whole independent entity 
and managed the whole entity-oriented to establish databases, it can not resolve properly the object-oriented classification to achieve 
the management and analysis of spatial information, limited the function of 3D GIS applications. This paper discusses the object- 
oriented 3D modeling technique to use existing digital photogrammetry software platform for secondary development. The text 
includes: the object-oriented concept of 3D modeling; the 3D GIS modeling technology based on digital photogrammetry; the 
Digital Campus examples of 3D modeling over the current Digital Campus space modeling, using the methods of divide entities and 
management-oriented data modeling to combine the 3D model of the campus and the database management objectives, achieve the 
3D model of the campus on the school's Information Management Services Digital and inquiry friendly the accurate information. 
With the rapid development of research of 3D GIS in city area, 
the defects in 2D GIS become more and more obvious: basing 
on abstract symbol, no according with the 3D spatial characters 
in geography and cognition rules, failing to give intuitive 
feelings. So, the research of 3D GIS modeling has become a 
major hot spot. In computer, 3D data model is regarded as a 
tool to express the 3D objects in reality. The convenient 
information of 3D campus fails to contact the inter locale in 
campus construction which cause no certainty in expressing 
data and incommodity in inquiring. However, object-oriented 
3D data managing system makes up the limit of conventional 
2D GIS, provides strong function of analysis, visualization, and 
science calculation in data of real 3D GIS, and makes inquiring 
the spatial information and managing the database of property 
possible. The paper discusses mainly how to make use of the 
mode of 3D model directly to show the way of management in 
campus, make the users themselves feel in the real inter special 
locale of campus constructions, inquire the information of 
campus management at any time and at any place, and realize 
the target of sight-seeing on screen and particular management. 
Real digital 3D management system of campus is different from 
the perspective 3D, which can realize the real emergence of 
local scene. The arbitrary spatial points constructed in 3D 
environment have real 3D spatial coordinates which can express 
directly the spatial data in the solid way, realize the cascade and 
visualization of data of features in terrain and figure, make the 
management and analysis of 3D visualization of spatial 
information possible. 
Nowadays, in view of imperfection of 3D soft in our country, it 
is better way to design mathematical model and database rather 
than develop further the soft developed to realize the inquiring 
of data on the base of 3D campus model. 
But, current 3D modeling usually regards the whole 
construction as a single entity, constitutes a database on the 
base of the whole entity in which people fail to inquire the data 
separately and the quantity of data inquired is limited. 
Fig 1 Sketch of constitution of database on the whole entity 
Unattached construction entity model is inquired by means of 
whole in the system, so the result of modeling influences 
directly the effect of inquiring of information in the system. In 
order to know well more particularly the information of target 
of construction, it is very necessary to consider the character of 
mode of construction. For example, when different floors in the 
mode are stuck by users, the color of the floor is altered as well 
as different information (the character of the floor (office 
building, teaching building, lab building and so on) rooms of 
the floor, instruments in the floor) is known by users. Above 
information can be obtained by means of technical

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