Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
delaminating for the special construction management by the 
time of modeling (method of special entity)to realize the target 
of constituting database particularly. Also, it is possible to 
constitute different unit modes on the base of floors. 
It can be showed in a figure as follow: 
As to database, which can be constituted according to different 
needs and the only thing done is to choose the different 
databases contacted so as to inquire reciprocally in practical 
The research is carried through on the base of JX-3D, a 3D 
virtue reality system soft developed by China Siwei Surveying 
& Mapping Technology Company, which is operated by the 
following major process. 
Detail process is showed as follows: 
(1) Open CAD file, the base map in CAD of Huaihai Institute of 
Technology (HHIT) is showed, the process of MF-MIDout then 
is load in CAD. 
(2) Open the SupematureGIS, stick the option of transmitting 
image of vein on the menu of editing, transmit the image of 
HHIT collected under foot by JX4 into SupematureGIS, input 
the geodetic coordinates, adjust the parameters of skimming. 
(3) Transmit the data of house mode(a data of vector collected 
by JX4—HHIT*.ASC ), load the data of house mode, transmit 
the mode of house in HHIT—hhit*.house. 
(4) Constitute TIN: create new rectangle in CAD, assign the 
restraint of height between (0, 0, 0) and (0, 0, 5), reserve the file 
of figure as file of dxf of 12 th edition. Read the file of dxf. 
Obtain the file from the option of triangulation network of 
terrain on the menu of file. Delete the construction elected in 
the base map, Establish new construction figure in CAD. One 
important point should be indicated: describing the rectangular 
to a counterclockwise direction to choose the joint. 
(5) Transmit the cvrc into CAD to edit the type of data, and 
code the arc elected. Transmit outvr to gain the data of 3D, the 
spatial model will be showed in the soft of Supemature. 
However it is only the first floor, the second and the third floor 
have to be erected on the base of the first floor. In view of the 
outer figure of construction elected only is rectangular which is 
so easy that the 10 th construction model will have to be chosen 
when input the code of house. The value of height of the first 
floor is the average value of dividing the practical height of the 
whole construction into three equal parts. The new model, 
which will divide one building into three parts and lead to the 
change of the numbers of ID and database correlated, is 
different from the former model. 
Fig 3. Flow chart of management-oriented of 3D modelling 
Build model by means of dividing the construction into several 
parts: firstly, calculate the average value of height according to 
the actual height of the construction and the number of floors 
needed; Then, the major work for building the first floor is, 
according to the ordinary method of modeling for a house, to 
code 10 for the house, elect counterclockwise the culminations 
of rectangle and return clockwise to constitute the roof in CAD 
since the construction elected is a regular cuboid which leads to 
return at the last culmination of bottom of the construction. The 
height of the first floor should be entered into the model on the 
base of the calculated mean value which indicates the 3D model 
of the first floor can be showed in the 3D interface. 
Next for the second floor. The process of operating is alike to 
the first floor. Difference lies in the change of geographical 
coordinates: the Z value of four culminations of the foot of the 
build is as much as the double Z value of the first. Therefore,

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