Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
the volume of the built model is not changed, but Z value 
changed when the model is built on the first floor. Last, for the 
third floor, the method is same as the above process, excluding 
the changed Z value. After building the third floor, the outer 
figure of the building is mainly determined. However it will 
have to be done to combine the building since three floors are 
various unattached and need to combine them a entity. The 
particular operating is made as follow: pitch on the three floors 
which are chosen in virtue of the right mouse button with 
pulling a rectangle, stick the editing command in the main menu 
to combine the targets of construction in order to incorporate 
the different parts of building. 
To inquire the various kind of information in 3D model is the 
most major purpose of constructing the digital campus since the 
database is connected with the built 3D model. Real digital 
campus can come true with the connection between the 3D 
model and the powerful searching function. 
Due to the target of experiment is to show the information of 
related floors through sticking the floor, the numbers of ID will 
have to be distribute the different floors to contact with the 
attribute data, lead 3D landscape to be endued more contents. 
So in terms of vary needs we build separately the information 
database of instruments (including the information about the 
mode and number of computer, total station, theodilite, level, 
rod, tripod and so on), information database of 
teacher(including the information about name, age, rank, 
teaching class, contact method and so on), database of class 
affair(including number of student, monitor and contact method, 
syllabus, information of student in special class and so on), 
information database of classroom(including various kinds of 
classroom(ordinary classroom, lab, office), the teacher and the 
class at any time). Then build data sheet of class(including 
number, monitor and contact method, syllabus(time and 
classroom)) in the classroom; Build the information sheet of 
instrument in lab and information database of teacher at office 
to come assorting summary true rather than repetition of equal 
information in order to inquire more much information. The 
only thing done to bring bilateral inquiring into effect is to 
choose the relevant database on the stuck target in terms of the 
need of user in application. 
Result figure is showed as following: 
Fig 4 Sketch for inquiring the management-oriented of 3D 
By testing, it has been brought into effect to sight-see in the 
campus of 3D in light of the elected route. Those who are not 
familiar with the campus arrangement also can skim through the 
campus in virtual space on the base of 3D campus as well as 
know well the relation between building and teaching. 
Meanwhile by combining construction model and database, it 
can also be realized for bilateral inquiring for the base situation 
of the stuck construction on the base of the model, for the 
character of the classroom in the chosen by sticking the right 
mouse button, for the arrangement of teaching in the ordinary 
classroom, teacher and contact method, teaching class(including 
the monitor and contact method), for the instruments in labs and 
so on. Even though the user who can not distinguish the 
direction can also find the destination, who hardly knows the 
establishments of software and hardware can be familiar with 
the information on the base of platform, so the target of “know 
all by sticking a button” comes indeed true. It must become 
more and more popular for the 3D digital campus in the 
development of digital campus, which will be the best choice of 
many universities who are made up of several parts or have 
large area, more building, complex arrangement, to establish 
digital campus. 
This paper puts stress on discussing the inquiring for detail 
information of entity, however nowadays it is very difficult to 
skim in 3D model through the material inside of entity which 
will need more much time and great effort to deal with. 
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