Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
we introduced EDISON detection algorithm to color remote 
sensing images. As reported recently, EDISON works well in 
edge detection of images used in other fields. This algorithm 
proposes an image segmentation and confidence based edge 
detection model. 
Besides the above, this edge model has other advantages. The 
first is a lack of false negatives compared to other models false 
negatives result from a failure to “take into account all possible 
intensity variations that might accompany a step edge in 
practice”. Almost all of these variations are modelled implicitly. 
In homogeneities can be uncorrelated (due to noise) or 
correlated (due to texture) without affecting performance. The 
second benefit is that using distributions creates a unifying 
framework for edge detection in binary, grey-scale, color, or 
multi-spectral images, so long as a meaningful ground distance 
is defined. 
2.2 Dense Stereo Match 
In order to generate DSM, under a energy minimization 
framework, a dense stereo match between stereopair is taken. In 
the case of dense stereo match. The concept of a disparity space 
image or DSI is important. In general, a DSI is any image or 
function defined over a continuous or discretized version of 
disparity space (x, y, d). (Scharstein, D. and Szeliski, 2002)In 
practice, the DSI usually represents the confidence or log 
likelihood (i.e., cost) of a particular match implied by d(x, y). 
The goal of a stereo correspondence algorithm is then to 
produce a univalued function in disparity space d(x, y) that best 
describes the shape of the surfaces in the scene. This can be 
viewed as finding a surface embedded in the disparity space 
image that has some optimality property, such as lowest cost 
and best (piecewise) smoothness. So a stereo correspondence 
can be formed to a energey minimization framework. 
Under the DSI, we test various energy minimization algorithm 
and find among the common ones, graph cut works best but 
causes most computation cost. In order to get the best DSM 
data, we use In this case, we preprocess the images to generate 
DSM and save to DSM database. Therefore, the huge 
computation cost has less effect on the efficiency of our system. 
3.1 Geometric building model 
For the task of building reconstruction, we first of all have to 
define the geometric building model. This model defines the 
hip-roof building and box building, which can be dealt with. 
(Brenner) comes to the conclusion, that the combined 
parametric models were the most suitable ones for automatic or 
semiautomatic building reconstruction. Both provide a good 
compromise between the reconstruction effort and the number 
of supplied real world building types. Combined parametric 
models imply geometric and topologic characteristics. They are 
based on constructive solid geometry (CSG). A large number of 
different building types can be modeled, especially buildings 
with different eave heights. In this paper, due to the low 
quantity of the DSM, we only describe the hip-roof building 
and box building model. 
Figure 1: Geometric modal of the two kinds of building in this 
Object recognition or reconstruction, in general, presumes 
knowledge about the perceived objects by some kind of object 
model. These object models can be considered as abstractions 
of real world objects. As model definition it is important to find 
balance between correctness and tractability i.e. the results 
given by the model must be adequate both in terms of the 
solution attained and the cost to attain the solution (Streilein, 
1996). A priori knowledge or in other words constraints can be 
introduced by applying a very rigid building model. A rigid 
building model restricts the search space, which has to be 
examined to find a solution. On the other hand these models 
limit the number of possible building types which can be 
represented by a single model. In order to deal with the large 
architectural variations of building shapes, the utilized model 
should be as general as possible. Since most buildings are 
bounded by a set of planar surfaces and straight lines, in our 
approach a building is represented by a general polyhedron. 
Additional constraints are defined by the assumption that the 
coordinates of the given ground plan are correct and the borders 
of the roof are exactly defined by this ground plan. This 
provides sufficient restrictions to enable the reconstruction of 
buildings without loosing the possibility to deal with very 
complex buildings. 
Two types of representation are feasible to describe the 
reconstructed buildings. The boundary representation (BRep) is 
probably the most widespread type of 3D representation. Many 
algorithms are available for computing physical properties or 
visualizations from that representation. The object is 
represented by its surface, which is decomposed into a set of 
faces, edges and vertices. The topology is additionally 
described by a set of relations which indicate how the faces, 
edges and vertices are connected to each other. In constructive 
solid geometry (CSG) simple primitives are combined by 
means of Boolean set operators. A CSG representation always 
results in valid 3D objects, i.e. in contrast to a BRep no 
topological check has to be performed in order to guarantee the 
closeness of the object surface. 
3.2 Model Selection and Parameter Estimation 
Each building is described by a combination of one or more 
basic building primitives. Each of them consists of a cuboid 
element with different roof types flat roof and hip roof. This 
type of representation is similar to the one used by (Englert and 
G 'ulch, 1996). In order to reconstruct more complex buildings, 
first the complete building has to be decomposed into these 
basic structures. This step can be realized automatically by the 
analysis of the given ground plan. Figure 6 shows the result of a 
ground plan decomposition into rectangular structures. Every 
rectangle defines one building primitive. Since position, 

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