3b. Beijing 2008
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008
building in this
eral, presumes
: kind of object
as abstractions
nportant to find
i.e. the results
n terms of the
ition (Streilein,
istraints can be
model. A rigid
lich has to be
i these models
which can be
with the large
utilized model
buildings are
it lines, in our
al polyhedron,
aption that the
ind the borders
nd plan. This
instruction of
eal with very
describe the
tion (BRep) is
intation. Many
l properties or
le object is
1 into a set of
; additionally
tow the faces,
n constructive
combined by
itation always
) a BRep no
guarantee the
one or more
> of a cuboid
lip roof. This
r (Englert and
lex buildings,
ed into these
tically by the
the result of a
ctures. Every
ice position,
orientation and horizontal extension of each cuboid is already
defined by each rectangle, only the height of every cuboid as
well as roof type and roof slope have to be determined as
remaining parameters for the building primitives.
The parameters of the building primitives are estimated by a
least squares adjustment, which minimizes the distances
between the DSM surface and the corresponding building
primitive, i.e. the building primitives are fit to the DSM surface.
In order to apply the least squares adjustment first the
appropriate model has to be selected. Additionally roof regions
which do not fit to the selected model have to be excluded from
the least squares adjustment to avoid gross errors of the
estimated parameters. For both tasks the result of a
segmentation of the DSM are used. This DSM segmentation
into planar surfaces is supported by introducing ground plan
information. Of course the given ground plan restricts the
extension of the DSM area which has to be examined.More
important, the implemented segmentation within each ground
plan area can be based on the direction of the surface normals
of the DSM, since possible orientations of planar surfaces to be
extracted are predefined by the outline of the building. This is
motivated by the observation that the direction of the unit
normal vector of a possible roof plane emerging from an
element of the ground plan has to be perpendicular to this
segment. Hence, the different segments of the ground plan
polygon are used to trigger the segmentation of a planar surface
with a projected normal vector perpendicular to this element. A
more detailed description of the segmentation process can be
found in (Haala et al., 1997).
We develop a system to integrate all the above method, The
reconstruction of buildings is split into four steps:
in the first step the origin stereopair are preprocessed to
generate the DSM data. Then a detection of the image edge is
carried out. In the third step, a coarse model is recovered, which
consists of the three-dimensional edges of the building. In the
final step, the coarse model is projected to the original images
to refine the model. In the following the four steps are described
in detail.
4.1 Stereopair DSM generation
Because of the huge dense match cost of graph cut algorithm,
we provide a batch process on the DSM generation of all the
images, constructing the Disparity Space Image (DSI), then the
energy minimization framework, minimized by the graph-cut
algorithm, is taken to generate the corresponding DSM data.
The generated DSM data contains the relative initial three-
dimensional coordinates of the building.
4.2 Edge detection of building rooftop
The second step, by selecting the appropriate parameters, the
image segmentation is applied with the EDISON algorithm,
which separates the building areas from the background areas.
Then the EDISON algorithm is used again to detect the building
edges of the stereopair. After removing the noise of edge
segment, line fitting and end points competition are introduced
to optimize the edge. The BEFV is generated after the
4.3 Coarse model extraction
In this step, the coarse building models are generated according
to the DSM data acquired from the first step. The left image of
the original stereopair is chosen as a part of the outer interface
to the user, so that the user can clearly recognize the building
area. In the course of the practical implementation, on the outer
interface to the user, the only operation that the user needed to
do is to click the mouse in the interior of the building areas. On
the inner interface, the corresponding areas in DSM data is
selected, then based on the selected areas, the BMD algorithm
is applied to produce the coarse building model. The property
of the BMD algorithm is described as follows: Automatic
building roof planar separation algorithm. Normal of each point
in DSM is used as voting to detect planar. Flowing by isolate
point assignment, planar joining can optimize the detected
planar. And multi-thresholds are used to make algorithm more
robust. Planar edge points competition strategy is an important
mechanism which can eliminate the bad influence caused by the
order of planar detected out. The ridge lines are finally detected
by intersection of two planar. The coarse building models
possess the initial attributes of the building, such as the length,
width, height, footprint, the ridge line of the hip-roof building.
4.4 Refine coarse model
The final step, using the BEFV generated in the second step, the
coarse model could be refined, project the edge of the coarse
three-dimensional model to the original stereopair image to
produce a line buffer in the corresponding BEFV, the WLDC
algorithm is proposed to find the corresponding line segment in
the stereopair, the WLDC algorithm is described as follows: To
get the direction of the optimal line segment, the length and the
direction of each line segment in the line buffer is taken as the
parameters of a weight function: W=f(l, d), the line segment
with bigger W has bigger influence on the optimal line
segment's direction. A pair of corresponding optimal line
segment is generated after executing the WLDC algorithm.
Then the precise three-dimensional coordinates of the building
edges can be derived by a space intersection, the coarse model
of the building can be refined to a more precise three-
dimensional model.
We have tested our integrated system .A complete process
introduced in section four has been made on a stereopair.
The stereopair in Figure 1 is taken as the input data to test the
integrated system.
For the stereopair in Figure 2, we preprocess it under the energy
minimization framework using graph cut algorithm, a huge but
acceptable computation will be carried out. Then we display it
in a disparity map image type in Figure 3. The result of the
edge detection using Edison algorithm is in Figure 4. After
these, project the dsm data into the edge map to refine the
coarse model generated in 4.3.