Beijing 2008
A '-.nus, 1992.
ds Automatic
tal Elevation
and Remote
S. Y. Cui a *,Q. Yan a , Z. J. Liu a , M. Li b
a Key Laboratory of Mapping from Space of State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, Chinese Academy of
Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100039, China -;
b Geoinformation Science and Engineering College, Shandong University of Science and Technology,
Qingdao 266510, China -
Commission III, WG III/4
KEY WORDS: Building Extraction, Active Contour Model, Hough Transform, Convex Hull, Matrix Search
This paper supposes a schema to deal with the tough task of building detection and recognition from high resolution remotely sensed
imagery. It is a region-based and semi-automatic schema combining with Hough transform and computation of convex hull of the
pixels contained in the building areas, which can produce a precise result when the contrast between flat building rooftop and the
background is high enough. The first step of this strategy is applying seed region grow algorithm to collect pixels contained in the
building region to form the approximation shape of building. In order to retrieve the precise shape of building, we devise two
approaches, which are based on Hough transform and convex hull computation, to deal with different scenes. Based on the fact that
most buildings in real world can be represented by a convex polygon, the first schema uses this idea to compute the shape of the
building. The second schema search the desired shape represented by a related orthogonal comer from the node matrix constructed
by the dominate line sets of the building. Extraction result shows this schema supposed is robust and applicable to most high
resolution remotely sensed imagery.
1.1 Introduction
With the successful launch of some high resolution satellites
including IKONOS and Quick Bird in recent years, large mount
of high resolution remotely sensed imagery can be utilized to
extract man-made objects to update for geographic information
system database. And man-made object detection and
recognition from remotely sensed imagery is also of significant
practical importance for mapping, cartography, photo
interpretation, military activities and so on. Traditionally,
manual plotting is deployed in man-made object extraction, but
it is time consuming and expensive, so automatic or semi
automatic acquisition and update of building data is greatly
needed, especially after the availability of high resolution
satellite imagery such as IKONOS and QuickBird. In the last
three decades, a significant amount of work that has been done
in the field of aerial image understanding has concentrated on
development of efficient algorithm to automatic or semi
automatic detection(at present, semi-automatic methods are
applicable in production) and extraction of typical man-made
objects, such as building. Consequently, various strategies and
methodologies have been brought forward to deal with the
tough task of building extraction. In the following section, we
briefly review the previous research in this field.
1.2 Previous works
A collection of state of the art articles can be found in the
periodical proceedings edited by Grim et al. (1995), Grim et al.
(1997) and Baltsavias et al. (2001b). Mayer (1999) presented a
comprehensive survey on the techniques used for image based
building extraction. Previous research on the building detection
and extraction is briefly reviewed as follows. Morhan and
Nevatia (1989) used perceptual organization to detect and
describe building in aerial images. They recognize the
usefulness of the structural relationships made explicit by
perceptual organization in complex image understanding. They
first detect linear features, which are then grouped into parallels.
Parallel collation with aligned endpoints triggers the formation
of a U structure. Two U structures trigger the formation of a
rectangle hypothesis. A constraint satisfaction network is used
to select the best consistent rectangles by minimizing the cost of
the network. This kind of approach is usually comprised of a
complicated process of bottom-up grouping. Detecting
buildings in aerial images is also the goal of Heurtas and
Nevatia (1988). The search for rectangle hypotheses is made by
local contour tracing techniques. Shadows are used to confirm
hypotheses and to estimate the height of buildings. Contour
tracing with some structural guidance as oriented comers and
depth from shadows has been used in (A. Huertas, R. Mohan
and R. Nevatia, 1986). These kinds of methods are often
confronted with the issue of fragmentation of edges. Scott Lee
and Jie Shan (2003), etc. use the classification result of
IKONOS multi-spectral images to provide approximate location
and shape for candidate building hypothesis. Then the fine
extraction is carried out in the corresponding panchromatic
image through segmentation and building squaring based on the
Hough transform. Sohn and Downman (2001) used a local
Fourier transformation to analyze the dominate orientation in a
building cluster and extract rectilinear building outline from
IKONOS imagery based on a binary space partitioning tree. Fua
and Hanson (1987) segment the scene into regions, find edges
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