Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

The International Archives of the Programmetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
Set a and b as the left and right threshold of transition region, 
a = Ex c -3cr- He c — Ex c - 3En c - He c 
b = Ex c +3(7 + He c = Ex c + 3En c + He c 
Transitional region is defined as the two-dimensional pixels sets 
that covered by edge cloud. That is 
TR = {(Uj) e I \a< f(ij) < b |} = {(/,/) e I \Ex c - 3 En c - He c < f{i,j) < Ex c + 3 En c + He c |} 
This algorithm has some advantage compared to traditional 
algorithm. First, the algorithm obtains the digital characteristics 
of edge cloud and two threshold of transition region by Boolean 
calculation between intersectant clouds, so, the situation of low 
extremum is bigger than high extremum can be prevented. 
Second, the algorithm doesn’t refer complex algebraic operation, 
it is simple, fast and operating cost is small. The last, algorithm 
according to the image gray level forms object cloud, replace 
microcosmic pixel to macroscopical cloud object, In the process 
of cloud building , the operation which is similar to smooth 
algorithm can weaken the influence of noise to extracted result. 
4.1 Stochastic fuzzy feature plane and its characteristics 
A two-dimensional image can be seen as a fuzzy matrix. Every 
element of matrix has has the membership function JLIwhich 
relative to a given gray level. The plane which formed with All 
fij (z = 1,2,...,M; j = l,2,...,tV) is named image fuzzy 
feature plane 114] , it is the base of fuzzy edge detection algorithm. 
In this feature plane, each pixel is corresponding to an element 
in matrix, the randomicity of image is not considered. This 
method cannot solve the problem of uncertainty of spatial object 
by representing adjacent degree of a fuzzy object to another 
object by an exact membership. 
For the membership of every element to cloud core of edge 
cloud in transitional region changed from one to multi under the 
influence of super entropy, so, the corresponding element in 
fuzzy matrix to any pixel in transitional region is not a value but 
a sets of membership, the stochastic fuzzy feature plane is 
proposed. The three digital characters (Ex c ,En c ,Eie c ) of 
edge cloud can be obtained by calculation and the membership 
of each pixel can be retro-inferred by the algorithm of normal 
cloud generator 1121 . Assume f (x') is pixel gray level in 
transitional region, according to the mode 
Efl k — G (En c , He c ) to build the normal stochastic data 
En k which expected value is En c and standard deviation 
is En k . The membership of each pixel can be calculated by 
formula 14. 
Mk = exp 
(f(x)-Ex c f 
2 En k 2 
Where Ex c ,En c ,He c denote three digital characteristics 
of edge cloud. 
By the above calculation, we can get ji- (X) = {jU k . ] , so, 
fuzzy feature plane can be expressed with following forms: 
{a} 2 , 
{a)|2 • 
M 22 • 
•• KL~ 
'/ = 1,2 V; 
{Mi } 
J = \,2,...,M\k = \,2,... l 
Every element in stochastic fuzzy feature plane is a aggregate 
of membership, it indicates that under the influence of 
uncertainty of spatial object, the membership of each pixel 
belong to another object is not a exact value but a probability 
4.2 Edge detection based on maximal fuzzy entropy 
The gradient image G can be obtained by the gradient 
operating in transition region image I that with L gray level, 
its histogram is h r ,Y = \,2,...,L — 1 . Suppose G is 
divided to strong edge region Re and transitional region Rs , 
set {jbi k },k = \,2,...,n is the probability of each pixel of 
G to divided to Re ,\ —{/^jis the probability of each 
pixel to divided to Rs . Build fuzzy partition aggregate 
Qi -{g(Uj) = r},r = 0,1,...,1-1, g(i,j) is the gray 
value in (z, 7) of gradient image G . Apparently, 
Q = {Qo,Q 2 ,-,Ql j is a fuzzy division of G . 
Though the condition entropy of fuzzy division, the condition 
entropy of natural fuzzy division Q under Re is 
p{Q r Re) 
=0 p(Re) 
hp{Re) g p(Re) 

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