Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

Beijing 2008 
The International Archives oj the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B3b. Beijing 2008 
>cal context 
for the initial 
le road model 
he relation to 
m or optional 
local context, 
i vehicle. 
i Mm 
5 for 
in Figure 5, is 
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1 suffice for 
ncept. A large 
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ss are given in 
Spatial relation with 
arallel [d]=] and 
listance [dx=] 
markings and 
>ld (2006). The 
growing for 
scted by shape 
id radiometric 
ts of the road 
ution yields an 
:ing left at the 
road extraction 
Figure 6. Road extraction result (black/white) superimposed on 
example image in 0.03m/pix and region of interest 
(ROI) for local context extraction 
4.2 Adaptation Process 
Both object models for road and vehicle are adapted separately. 
The adaptation of the road model was presented by Heuwold 
(2006). The adaptation process for the vehicle object model is 
explained in the following. The intermediate steps of the 
analysis-by-synthesis for the scale behaviour prediction of the 
vehicle are displayed in Figure 7. Note that the steps of the 
analysis-by-synthesis are depicted here in a single synthetic 
image for better illustration although there is no interaction 
between the vehicle parts. 
Figure 7. Intermediate steps of analysis-by-synthesis for 
minimum (upper row) and maximum constellation 
(lower row): synthetic image initial resolution L 0 
(a.+e.), synthetic image target resolution L Rt (b.+f.), 
blob extrema E 0 (red/white) and E, (green/black) 
superimposed on L R , (c.+g.), blob support regions 
Suppo (red/white) and Supp, (green) on L R , (d.+h.) 
No interaction of the vehicle parts takes place for the example 
target resolution /?,=0.2m, since they are situated too far apart 
for this resolution change. In order to predict the scale 
behaviour for the vehicles the minimum and maximum 
configuration with regard to the defined attribute ranges from 
the initial resolution is to be analysed. The scale behaviour 
simulation for the vehicle is carried out with the maximum 
contrast, since the initial object model does not contain any 
restriction with regard to grey value, i.e. all values are possible. 
Thereby, the most “optimistic” case is simulated, leading to the 
maximum lifetime in scale-space. As explained in section 3.4 
this procedure can be chosen, because the vehicle has an 
optional context relation. Neither for the minimum nor the 
maximum constellation a scale event takes place, but the 
attributes of the vehicle parts have to be changed for the target 
resolution. The attributes of the nodes and the spatial relation as 
well as the shape parameters for the feature extraction operators 
of the vehicle parts are automatically derived from the blob 
support regions in target resolution Supp,. 
4.3 Adaptation Result 
The adapted road model is depicted in Figure 8. Details with 
attribute values of the nodes and spatial relations can be found 
in Heuwold (2006). The adapted vehicle object model is 
displayed in Figure 9 showing all attributes of the individual 
nodes and the spatial relations. Applied to the example image in 
target resolution the adapted road object model of Figure 8 also 
suffers an extraction failure in the area with the vehicle. This 
gap can again be filled with the adapted vehicle object model 
(Figure 9). Figure 10 shows both the road extraction gap and the 
vehicle extraction. 
Figure 8. Adapted road object model for target resolution 
[d. =2-4] 
gv= 1-255 
Figure 9. Adapted vehicle object model for target resolution 
Figure 10. Road extraction failure for example image in 
i?,=0.2m/pix and region of interest (ROI) for local 
context extraction 
In this paper a method was presented for the automatic 
adaptation of image analysis object models, which consider 
local context objects, to a coarser image resolution. An example 
for the adaptation of a road model with vehicle as local context

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