3b. Beijing 2008
Martin Drauschke, Wolfgang Fdrstner
University of Bonn, Department of Photogrammetry
Nussallee 15, 53115 Bonn, Germany
martin.drauschke@uni-bonn.de, wf@ipb.uni-bonn.de
KEY WORDS: Building Detection, Classification,, Feature Selection, Stable Regions, Adaboost
The paper addresses the problem of feature selection during classification of image regions within the context of interpreting
images showing highly structured objects such as buildings. We present a feature selection scheme that is connected with
the classification framework Adaboost, cf. (Schapire and Singer, 1999). We constricted our weak learners on threshold
classification on a single feature. Our experiments showed that the classification with Adaboost is based on relatively small
subsets of features. Thus, we are able to find sets of appropriate features. We present our results on manually annotated and
automatically segmented regions from facade images of the eTRIMS data base, where our focus were the object classes
facade, roof, windows and window panes.
The paper addresses the problem of feature selection during
classification of image regions within the context of inter
preting images showing highly structured objects such as
buildings. Our region classification is meant to be used as
an initial interpretation which can be inspected by a high-
level system, cf. (Hartz and Neumann, 2007), leading to
new hypotheses to be verified by new image evidence.
The diversity of buildings and their environment is too rich
for the determination of appropriate region features by only
a few features, such as the color channels themselves, gra
dient images or texture measures. This would lead to un
satisfying results during classification of building parts. If
we, as a remedy, significantly expand the dimension of the
feature vector, we need to select appropriate features for
efficiency reasons.
This paper adresses the problem of feature selection. We
present a feature selection method based on Adaboost and
investigate its performance with respect to classification of
image regions which show buildings or building parts. In
the following we first relate our work to previously pro
posed methods and use it to motivate our approach. Then
we introduce our technique and decribe our experiments
with which we want to show the capability of our approach.
Building extraction is an active research area in photogram
metry. Concerning building extraction from aerial images,
the review in (Mayer, 1999) presents well discussed ap
proaches. Many of these methods work on extracted image
edges to identify buildings, e. g. (Nevatia et al., 1997), or
combine detected image edges and detected homogeneous
image regions in a hierarchical aggregation process, e. g.
(Fischer et al., 1998). Regrettably, these approches often
fail as soon as the building structures become too com
plex. The interpretation of terrestrial images of buildings
is not developed as far as the interpretation of aerial im
ages. Some approaches only investigate the grouping of
repetitive textures and structures, cf. (Wang et al., 2002)
and (Tuytelaars et al., 2003).
Building detection is also a very active research area in pho-
togrammtery and computer vision. In recent approaches,
graphical models are often used for integrating further in
formation about the content of the whole scene, cf. (Kumar
and Hebert, 2003) and (Verbeek and Triggs, 2007). In an
other paradigm, the bag of words, objects are detected by
the evaluation of histograms of basic image features from a
dictionary, cf. (Sivic et al., 2005). Unfortunately, both ap
proaches have not been tested with high resolution building
images. Furthermore, the bag of words approaches have
not applied to multifarious categories as building or mam
mals. Epshtein and Ullman (2005) and Lifschitz (2005)
propose a hierarchical interpretation scheme and show first
results on very small and strongly smoothed building im
ages. Thus, their concept is also not applicable on detailed
building scenes. In photogrammetry, the interpretation of
building facades is currently studied by Reznik and Mayer
(2007), where they make use of image sequences.
Feature Selection is used in data mining to extract useful
and comprehensible information from data, cf. (Liu and
Motoda, 1998). In our case, we want to select the most
valuable features from a set of candidates to keep the clas
sification efficient and reliable. One classical approach, the
principal component analysis, reduces the dimension of the
feature space by projecting all features, cf. (Bishop, 2006).
Thus, the obtained new features are not a subset of all can
didate features, but combinations of the original features.
The exhaustive evaluation of all 2 n combinations of D fea
tures takes too much time. Therefore, we may choose be