Full text: Proceedings (Part B3b-2)

3b. Beijing 2008 
Alper Yilmaz 3 and Gabor Barsai b * 
a The Ohio State University, Dept. ofGeod. Science,Photogrammetric Computer Vision Laboratory 
The Ohio State University -yilmaz. 15@osu.edu 
b Gotmaps? Inc., 2981 Wicklow Rd., Columbus, OH - gabor@gotmaps.biz 
KEYWORDS: image interpretation, 2-D feature extraction, computer vision, feature recognition, machine vision 
In this paper, we propose a recognition technique for geographic features which are represented as closed contours. Our algorithm 
relies on the planar projective geometry between the contours and exploits the properties of the Fourier Transform. One of the 
contributions of the proposed method is that it can recognize features acquired from any viewing direction and even partially 
occluded. Another contribution is that this method is independent of the starting point of the contour and the digitizing direction. In 
addition, this method does not require conjugate, or matching points that are traditionally required in projective geometry. The 
experimental results on an in-house developed geographic database and the Brown University shape database show robust 
recognition performance. 
The measurement of shape similarity between two objects is an 
essential task in many areas, including object recognition, 
classification, mobile mapping, surveillance, trajectory 
calculation, event analysis and retrieval (Zhang and Lu, 2001) 
(Schenk, 2001) (Noor et al., 2006); and it has received a lot of 
attention since the earliest pictures were taken. For example, by 
World War I, the opposing sides routinely took aerial photos of 
each others’ positions and identified landmarks for intelligence 
gathering. The abundance and easy access today to digital 
images makes matching especially relevant among the listed 
tasks. Ideally, recognition of objects should be projection, scale, 
translation and rotation invariant, just as they are in human 
vision. This, however, is a very complex problem, since 
numerous times an object is occluded and many objects rarely 
appear the same twice, due to different camera/observer 
positions, variable lighting or object motion. According to 
Meyer (Meyer, 1993), the ultimate goal in this regard is to 
investigate automatic object recognition in unconstrained 
environments by means of outlines of the objects, which we will 
refer to as the contours. In this paper, we study the problem of 
matching 2-D contours. One of the reasons for the popularity of 
contour-based analysis techniques is that edge detection 
constitutes an important aspect of shape recognition by the 
human visual system (van Otterloo, 1991) (Schenk, 2001). Rui 
(Rui et al., 1998), Zahn and Roskies (Zahn and Roskies, 1972), 
Zhang and Fiume (Zhang and Fiume, 2002), Wallace and Wintz 
(Wallace and Wintz, 1980) use Fourier Descriptors to match 
contours. Other methods used to recognize shapes are moment 
based and structure based approaches. The advantages of 
moments (easy to calculate) are outweighed by their 
disadvantages (not intuitive) (Teague, 1980) (Zhang and Lu, 
2001) . In particular, it is difficult to correlate high-order 
moments with one of these shape features (DeValois and 
DeValois, 1980). The representation of curves/contours using 
FDs gives a continuous function. Using FDs, a better 
reconstruction of the curve/contour can be created than by just 
using moments. Using only moments, reconstruction of the 
curve is difficult, if not impossible. Belonged (Belongie et al., 
2002) develop a measure called shape context for comparison. 
Shapiro (Shapiro, 1979) writes about the structure of shape in 
and early work, about how shapes can be defined, and compares 
different structure methods. Using structural information is, 
however, not efficient when compared to contours, and 
structural methods, especially those using graph-like 
representations, usually lead to variants of the computation 
intensive graph isomorphism algorithm (Shapiro, 1979) (van 
Otterloo, 1991) (Zhang and Lu, 2001). For an extended 
introduction of these techniques, please refer to any of the 
several survey papers by DeValois and DeValois (DeValois and 
DeValois, 1980), van Otterloo (van Otterloo, 1991), Loncaric 
(Loncaric, 1998) and Veltkamp (Veltkamp, 2001). Many of 
these matching methods rely on simple transformations, such as 
translation, rotation and scaling. Recognition under more 
general transformations, such as affine and projective transform, 
however, has not been fully examined, due to the complex 
nature of these transforms. A projective transform is also known 
as a homography. In a homography, a ratio of ratios or cross 
ratio of lengths on a line is the only projective invariant. The 
main motivation behind this work is that 2-D homography may 
overcome the problem of noise sensitivity and boundary 
variations. The Fourier transform, or the Fourier descriptors 
(FDs), of the contour are used to represent the curve 
parametrically. We propose to use the homography transform 
along with the FDs to match contours, applying the digitized 
coordinates of the contours. We use FDs, since ideally, shape 
representation should be invariant to scale, rotation translation 
and starting point, robust to noise, errors, efficient in computing 
the representative terms and efficient for use in matching (Rui et 
al., 1998), and many of these task are handled effectively by the 
Fourier transform. An important contribution of this paper is the 
elimination of the requirement of corresponding points. The 
paper by Belongie (Belongie et al., 2002) is probably closest in 
spirit of this paper, although with a different approach. For this 
study, several images of countries, lakes and other features were 
digitized from maps, satellite images, silhouettes to obtain the 
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes 
projective geometry for a background on homography. Section 
3 outlines the methodology used: converting the x and y 
coordinates into periodic functions for use by the Fourier 

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