Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Shen Shengyu and Wu Huayi 809 
Multi-Representation Geographic Data Organization Method Dedicated for Vector-Based WebGIS 
Qian Xinlin and Zhu Xinyan 815 
Remote Automatic Updating Technology for Client Program of Taxi Monitor System 
Qi Hua and Yu Jun 819 
Research on Remote Sensing Information Processing Service Based on Semantic Web Services 
Qian Li, Haigang Sui, Yuanyuan Feng, Qin Zhan and Chuan Xu 823 
Development of a Distributed Service-Oriented Geographic Information System for Ecological Resources 
Quantitative Measurement 
Yansheng Dong, Xiufang Zhu, Yaozhong Pan, Hongping Chen and Jinshui Zhang 829 
Enterprise GIS for Municipalities - a Service Oriented Approach 
F.Samadzadegan, A.AIvand, A.Abootalebi and M.Hasanlou 833 
WebMozis - Web-Based and Mobile Zoo Information System - a Case Study for the City of Osnabrueck 
Ulrich Michel, Christian Plass, Constanze Tschritter and Manfred Ehlers 839 
Interface for Dissemination of GIS Application on Internet 
M.Koehl and J. Joseph 845 
Experience of Russian Geoportals Based on Earth Remote Sensing Data 
V. Gershenzon and E. Ash 853 
Maps of Serbia - Web-Based GIS Services 
Milos Vojinovic, Zeljko Cvijetinovic, Dragan Mihajlovic and Momir Mitrovic 857 
Web 2.0 Based Satellite Images Search through Mash-Up 
M.H.Jo, Y.W.Jo and J.S.KIM 861 
WG IV/6 & ThS 8 Location Based services 
Supporting Mobile GIS Applications by Geospatial Web Services 
Thomas Brinkhoff 865 
Building a Context-Aware Mobile Tourist Guide System Base on a Service Oriented Architecture 
R.A.Abbaspour and F.Samadzadegan 871 
Rendezvous-Problem in Local Shared-Ride Trip Planning 
Radoslaw Rudnicki, Karl-Heinrich Anders and Monika Sester 875 
Symbol-Based Simplification with Fuzzy Logic Approach on Mobile Devices 
O.Akcay and O.AItan 881 
Photo Based Interaction and Query for End-User Applications 
Volker Paelke 887 
Establishment of Map Renewal Technique for Local Government by Using Real Time GIS 
M.Moriya, S.Shimano, M.Shikada and S.Takeuchi 893 
Availability of Real Time GIS and IC Tag for Realization of Universal Map 
Sota Shimano, Mitoshi Moriya and Masaaki Shikada 899 
Improving Land Value Information Process Through the Use of Geo-Information Technology 
J.O.Nyarko (Mrs), C.H.J.Lemmen 905 
Multipath Reduction on Repetition in Time Series from the Permanent GPS Phase Residuals 
Chi-Hsiu Hsieh and Joz Wu 911 
Research on the Key Technologies of Remote Sensing Information Mobile Services 
Yuefeng Liu, Min Lu, Ting Liu and Hanyu Xiang 917 
Defining the Service Area for Each School in Changchun Metropolitan Area Based on GIS Technology 
Hongyan ZHANG, Zengpo ZHOU, Zhengxiang ZHANG and Guanglei HOU 923

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