Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
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e, known as 'Oftido-sama (PudcKnyoo. 
tiis Sod of Rfô) of Mante,"' is loved mû worshipped 
worship in Japan and has a i .000 year -old history. 
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It’s a City belongs to Historical sights, Waters, Greenery and an 
International Airport. Narita city has two hearts within its rich 
natural environment of water and greenery. The tranquil heart is 
Naritasan Shinshoji temples which are paid homage to by many 
tourists (visitors) all-year-round. Then there is the heart of 
action, Narita airport considered to be the sky-gate way of Japan. 
2. GIS Technology: 
Information and resources about computerized mapping, 
computerized navigation, Satellites and other aspects of 
technology in geography .Basic resources and articles from 
guide about GIS, computerized systems to store, record, analyze 
and produce maps and geographic products based on spatial 
data. GIS has been commonly used to support spatial analysis 
for decision-making, planning of infrastructure services in rural 
as well as in urban areas management use of land, resources, 
transportation, cartographic application and or any spatially 
distributed entities. GIS integrates spatial and other kinds of 
information within a single system to offer a consistent 
framework foe analyzing geographic data. In this context GIS 
can be seen as a computer system designed to support the 
capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling and 
display of spatial referenced data for solving complex planning 
and spatial infrastructure management. 
GIS technology power s solutions for telecommunication, 
utilities, agriculture, defense, oil, health care, transportation, 
mining, environment, petroleum, water/ wastewater and many 
other industries as well as local, state and federal government 
agencies. As one of the key components of the spatial 
information infrastructure geographic information system has 
achieved a great development and contributed to the 
International economic progress. 
2.1 Desktop GIS work 
To explore geo-referenced digital information, electronic tools 
designed for 
Acquiring, presenting and interacting with information that 
links location with measured values are needed. One such tool 
is called a geographic information system, better knows as GIS. 
Desktop GIS is an immensely powerful computer mapping 
system. It is a tool for managing information of any kind 
according to where it is located. Desktop GIS stores all the 
information about the features is referred to as attribute 
information or attributes in a GIS database and links the features 
on the map to the information about them. Also Desktop GIS 
links sets of features and their attributes and manages them 
together in units called themes/layers. This means that we can

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