Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Acquiring, storing and retrieving information about land 
for the purpose of valuation and taxation. 
Compiling some form of tax record that is complete, up to 
date and reliable. 
Displaying in graphic form different combinations of 
spatial data especially those relating to valuation and to 
land parcels. 
Analyzing and processing those data to produce 
meaningful land valuation, monitoring the market value of 
land parcel in relation to streets and other amenities, 
facilities and utilities. 
And a protection is needed to the data base itself so-called 
‘Hackers’ must be prevented from entering the system and, for 
example, changing the names and figures of the registered 
owner of a property. 
This study, however, aims at the most basic environment in 
order to remain relatively simple and manageable and would 
deserve further investigation providing the basis for further 
researches in advanced Real Time Land Valuation Systems. 
[1] Can A., 1998, GIS and Spatial Analysis of Housing and 
Mortgage Markets, Journal of Housing Research, Vol. 9, 
Issue 1. 
[2] GeoXT™ handheld from the Trimble® GeoExplorer® 
2005 series, Product Info, 
[3] Peter F. Dale and John D. McLaughlin, Land Information 
Management, An Introduction with Special Reference to 
Cadastral Problems in Third World Countries, English 
Language Book Society/Oxford University Press, 1988. 
[4] Wyatt, P.J., 1995, Using a Geographical Information System 
for Property Valuation, Journal of property Valuation & 
Investment, Vol. 14, No. 1. 
[5] Wyatt, P.J., 1997, The Development of a GIS-Based 
Property Information System for Real Estate Valuation, 
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 
Vol. 11, No. 5. 
[6] Yomralioglu, T., 1993a, The Investigation of a Value-based 
Urban Land Readjustment Model and its Implementation 
Using Geographical Information Systems, PhD. Thesis, 
Department of Surveying University of Newcastle upon 
Tyne, UK. 
Academic experience: 
M.Phil. (Land Information Systems) - University of Peradeniya, 
Sri Lanka (Reading), 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Surveying Sciences - Sabaragamuwa University 
of Sri Lanka, 
Current position: 
Assistant Lecturer - Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 
M.Phil. Student - University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 
Practical experience: 
Land Surveying, Cadastral Mapping 
Activities in Home and International relations: 
Member, Royal Institution of Charted Surveyors (Member 
No. 1266757), 
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Commission IV - Geo-Databases and Digital Mapping Working 
Group IV/8 - Spatial Data Integration for Emergency Services, 
WG IV/8 Members (2004-2008) 
http ://www. fes .uwaterloo .ca/research/isprs/members. htm 
Ravindra S. Thilakarathne 
Department of Surveying and Geodesy 
Faculty of Geomatics 
Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 
P.Box:02, Belihuloya 
Tel.:+ 94 45 2280010 
Fax:+ 94 45 2280010 
Email: ravin@sab.ac.lk 
Web site: http://www.sab.ac.lk 

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