Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
High-Resolution Image to Mapping Bamboo-Dominated Gaps in the Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil 
L. S.Araujo, G.Sparovek, J.R.Dos Santos and R.R.Rodrigues 1287 
Epipolar Line Generation from IKONOS Imagery Based on RPC Model 
Dan Zhao, Xiuxiao Yuan and Xin Liu 1293 
Morphology Infrared Image Target Detection Algorithm Optimized by Genetic Theory 
Zhenfeng Shao, Xianqiang Zhu and Jun Liu 1299 
Developing and Implementing Line-Based Transformation Models to Register Satellite Images 
Ahmed F.EIaksher 1305 
Evaluation of IRS-P5 Stereo Images for Revision of Topographic 1:25000 Scale Maps 
M. Nikfar, M.J.Valadan Zouj, S.Sadeghian, M.Mokhtarzade and N.Roshani 1311 
The Affine Projection Model as a Tool for Rapid Geo-Coding of IRS P5 Satellite Imagery 
F.Dadras Javan and A.Azizi 1317 
The Semantic Information of Images Acquired by Aerial Digital Sensors in Cartographic and Enviropmental 
A. Lingua and F.Nex 1323 
ISO 5725-2 Standard Application to Verification of Orthophoto-Based Impervious Surface Area and 
Imperviousness Factor Determination 
B. Hejmanowska, W.Drzewiecki and A.Wrobel 1329 
From Analog to Digital Aerial Imageproduction.Experiences from Nma-lmageproductions Based on Eu- 
John Kamper 1335 
Digital Elevation Models of Great Wall by a Combination of Airborne and Terrestrial LIDAR 
Zizheng Wang, Yong Huang, Haoyu.Yang, Yanjing.Liu, Zujian.Xu, R.KIetzlib, Tie.Xu, Li.Cao, Genzhuang.Zhao 
and Shaoqian.Wang 1341 
Backpropagation Neural Network for Soil Moisture Retrieval Using NAFE’05 Data: a Comparison of Different 
Training Algorithms 
Soo-See Chail, Bert Veenendaal, Geoff West and Jeffrey Philip Walker 1345 
Application of Image Processing and Image Analysis Methods for Large Scale Map Revision 
Mohammad Sohrabinia, Saeid Sadeghian and Dadfar Manavi 1351 
An Integrated Approach for Topographical Mapping from Space Using Cartosat-1 and Cartosat-2 Imagery 
Amitabh, B.Gopala Krishna, T P Srinivasan and P K Srivastava 1355 
Object-Based Classification Using High Resolution Satellite Data as a Tool for Managing Traditional 
Japanese Rural Landscapes 
K.Takahashi, N.Kamagata and K.Hara 1359 
Object Information Automatic Extraction from High Resolution Stereo Pairs by Dense Image Matching and 
Information Fusion 
Fang Yong, Hu Haiyan, Chen Hong and Zhang Wu 1365 
Quantitative Textural Parameter Selection for Residential Extraction from High-Resolution Remotely Sensed 
J.Gu, J.Chen, Q.M.Zhou, H.W.Zhang and L.Ma 1371 
Estimation of Population in Informal Settlement Communities Using High Resolution Satellite Image 
Florence Galeon 1377 
Accuracy Evaluation of Digital Surface Model by Using ALOS PRISM Data for Disaster Monitoring 
Kyaw Sann Oo, Takahiro Nakagawa and Masataka Takagi 1383 
Across-Track Imaging Accuracy Analysis and Research of High Resolution Satellite Imagery in Metropolitan 
Wang Weian, Qiao Gang, Tong Xiaohua, Bao Feng, Liu Chun, Wang Jianmei, Ye Qin, Liu Shijie, Wang Wei, 
Ou Jianliang, Xie Hu an, Wu Hang bin 1389

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