P. Becker 3
d ESRI, 380 New York St., Redlands, CA, 92373, USA - pbecker@esri.com
Commission IV, WG IV/2
KEY WORDS: Imagery, Management, Production, Orthoimage, Parameters, Metadata, Distributed, Online
In traditional image production workflows, imagery is processed in multiple steps, with the imagery being sampled multiple times,
and being read and written to disk multiple times. This reduces image quality and production efficiency. The linear workflows also
are susceptible to bottlenecks when a single parameter in the workflow is not available or needs to be changed. ArcGIS Image server
enables a geodatabase centric workflow by which the parameters and models for processing imagery are stored within a database
and the imagery product is generated on demand as required directly from the base imagery. This methodology provide a number of
advantages. For example, it enables serving of dynamic image services that can be updated as revised parameters become available.
It enables the creation of graded products that change over time with the revised parameters and enabling improvements in quality
assurance processes. The same image services can also be used to generate imagery products in the form of caches or the traditional
tiled images that are required by most orthoimage mapping projects. The quality of the imagery is superior due to reduced sampling
of the images. By optimizing the processing and reducing disk access, the production system is very efficient and scalable, enabling
high production rates.
Traditional orthoimage production workflows, result in imagery
being processed in multiple steps. Typically, an image will go
through the following steps: radiometric correction, pan-
sharpening, aerial triangulation, orthorectification, mosaicking,
reprojection, then product generation. Depending on the
software used, the order of these steps may change, but
typically each step is performed separately with imagery being
read, sampled, or enhanced and then written to another location.
With each radiometric or geometric enhancement some
information is lost, resulting in the final image quality being
non-optimum. Even processes, such as mosaicking multiple
images together, result in unnecessary sampling if pixels of all
the input and output images are not aligned. Additionally, if the
sampling of the input and output imagery is a very similar
resolution (which is often the case when re-projecting) then
aliasing artefacts can also become apparent especially in
imagery covering areas that are near featureless, but have good
textures such as over water or gravel desert. In some areas the
imagery appears to have slightly higher contrast than in other
areas. These artefacts are caused by pixels in some regions
being sampled to be close to the average of four neighbouring
pixels (which reduces the local contrast), while in other areas
the pixel is the nearly solely derived from a single input pixel
(maintaining the local contrast). Although different sampling
methods may be defined to reduce these effects, they are
generally at the cost of accuracy. To reduce the data volumes
some workflows apply lossy compression methods to the
intermediate products, which further increases the creation of
artifacts and degrades quality.
Such orthoimage generation workflows where the imagery is
read and written multiple times are also not truly scalable.
Traditionally, such workflows are scaled using technologies
such as CORBA, enabling distributed processing over multiple
machines. The processing gains are quickly mitigated by
network and harddisk bottlenecks, which are caused by the
multiple reads and writes of large image data volumes to disks
saturating the available bandwidth as well as fragmenting the
1.1 Why do we need a geodatabase centric approach?
Linear process workflows can also cause substantial bottlenecks
in production. A delay in one step will stop subsequent steps.
For example, if the accurate orthoimage product is not created
due to the non-availability of a terrain model, the color
balancing cannot be performed, since color balancing in such
workflows are dependant on the orthoimages. As projects
become larger, the chances of one part of the process being
delayed increases which in turn increase the delay and risks for
the complete project.
Such production workflows can be considered a set of
independent tasks and not all tasks need to be performed
necessarily in a fixed order. Each of the production steps can
be considered to consist of two components: The determination
of process parameters, and/or the application of these
parameters on the imagery. The process of aerial triangulation
is a typical example of parameter determination with no pixel
processing being applied. Orthorectification is a process that
utilizes the parameters of orientation and a terrain model to
apply a pixel process. During the complete image production
workflow, there are many parameters that affect the resulting
product. These include parameters of orientation, radiometric
enhancement, pan-sharpening, terrain models, and mosaic
seamlines. These production stages are actually quite loosely
coupled. For example, the parameters of pan-sharpening have
no effect on aerial triangulation. The determination of color
balancing parameters for imagery is often dependant on the
orthoimages, but does not require accurate orthoimages nor