Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Special Session: Geo-Information for Disaster Mapping 
Comparison of Orthorectification Methods Suitable for Rapid Mapping Using Direct Georeferencing and 
RPC for Optical Satellite Data 
D.Hoja, M. Schneider, R. Muller, M.Lehner and P.Reinartz 1617 
Monitoring the Recovery Process of the Disaster-Affected Areas -Scaling Context Image Analysis in GEO 
Grid-Based Solution 
T.T.Vu 1625 
Sll for Emergency Response: the 3D Challenges 
Sisi Zlatanova 1631 
OHE Object Oriented Analysis and Evaluation Method for the Natural Disaster Based on Spatial Techniques: 
a Pilot Study 
Hu Zhuowei, Gong Huili, Zhao Wenji and Li Xiaojuan : 1639 
Econova Flood Warning System: Geo-Information for Real Time Flood Risk Management 
Michel Ares and T.Sc.A 1643 
Integrated Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for Predicting Soil Erosion Process 
Wenfu Peng, Jieming Zhou, Zhengwei He and Cun-Jian Yang 1647 
Federal Geographic Data Committee Homeland Security Working Group 
Michael P.Lee 1653 
Applying Digital Photogrammetry to Spatial Distribution of Debris Variation 
Miau-Bin Su, Fang-Mao Chen and l-Hui Chen 1659 
Fusion of GIS and Statistical Features of Satellite SAR Images for Earthquake Damage Mapping At the 
Block Scale 
Giovanna Trianni, Fabio DellAcqua, Paolo Gamba and Gianni Lisini 1665 
Evacuation Planning in Earthquake Disasters, Using RS & GIS 
Karim Naghdi, AH Mansourian, Mohammad Javad Valadanzoej and Mohammad Saadatseresht 1671 
Remote Sensing Investigation and Mechanism Research of Tiantai Landslide in Sichuan Province 
Yang Rihong, Wang Zhihua, Li Zhizhong and Yang Jinzhong 1677 
Risk Assessment and Mapping for Canlaon Volcano, Philippines 
Rowena B.Quiambao 1683 
Mapping the Irrigation Area of Winter Wheat Farmland in North China Plain Using MODIS Remote Sensing 
Lin Lu, Qin Zhihao and Li Jingjing 1689 
Delineation of Healthy and Diseased Tea Patches Using MXL and Texture Based Classification 
Rishiraj Dutta, Alfred Stein and N.R. Patel 1693 
Monitoring of Earthquakes Activities along the Syrian Rift System (Left-Lateral) by Using Remote Sensing 
and GIS Database 
Moutaz Dalati 1701 
Special Session: from National Mapping to an European Spatial Data Infrastructure 
From Local to European SDI - Inspiring the Next Generation of Spatial Information in Great Britain 
KJ.Murray 1707 
TLM - the Swiss 3D Topographic Landscape Model 
Liam O’Sullivan, Stephane Bovet and Andre Streilein 1715 
The Danish Way to a National Spatial Data Infrastructure, Poul Frederiksen, National Survey and Cadastre 
S.S.Dael, P.Frederiksen and L.T.Jorgensen 1721 
Spanish National Plan for Territory Observation (PNOT) 

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