Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
1:2000 Topographic Database of Sihekuo District,Jincheng City 
ARSC Independent Development Digital Mapping 
3.5 Drawings in papers prepared in digital form must be in 
the appropriate location in the document. 
3.6 Products Awarded with Prizes 
Datong 1:1000 Aerophotogrammetry Project: National 
Excellent Reconnaissance Gold Prize 
* Brazil PDSFN Project, ARSC Produces 1:10000 
Orthophotomap 2286 Tiles, Covering an Area of 66945 Sqaure 
Kilometers, with Contract Value of Eight Million US Dollars 
Nanjing City Cadastral Management Information System: 
Jiangsu Province Excellent Engineering Prize 
Hong Kong West Railway TS-800 Aerophotogrammetry 
Digitization Project: Special Prize of the Tenth Excellent 
Geology Report Awarded by China National Administration of 
Coal Geology 
1:2000 Digital Orthophotomap Producing and Database 
Building Project of Baotou City: Surveying and Mapping 
Technology Progress Second Prize 
Kailuan Mining Area Aerophotogrammetry Digitization 
Topographic Map Project: Science and Technology Progress 
First Prize Awarded by China National Administration of Coal 
Longkou Mining Area 1:2000 Scale Aerophotgrammetry 
Digitization Mapping Project: Science and Technology Progress 
Second Prize Awarded by China National Administration of 
Coal Geology 
ARSC’s modem surveying and mapping mode, which has been 
tested by market projects implementation and received high 
praises home and abroad, is improving to maturity. In recent 
years ARSC keeps business cooperations with USA, UK, 
Canada, France, Hong Kong, Janpan, etc. In domestic market, 
the projects that we undertake are through out China. ARSC’s 
people leave their tracks all over the country. From the world 
fastigium Tibet plateau to coastal cities, from westernmost 
Xinjiang to the easternmost Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, 
ARSC people leave their footprints.Practice proves that, 
ARSC’s modem surveying and mapping production mode, 
standing up test, is a set of high technological, high efficient and 
reasonable production system, which keeps up with times and 
receive all circles owners’ approvals. ARSC will achieve greater 
accomplishment in future, as long as ARSC keeps innovations 
in the light of this scientific development thought. 
The characteristics of ARSC’s modem surveying and mapping 
production mode are: (1) With a set of integrative strength of 
data acquire, data processing, data analysis, ARSC possesses 
strong competence from technical team members to various 
software and hardwires facilities, technical working flow and 
production capabilities. ARSC’s great production scale 
and strong capability can be rarely found in China or Overseas 
countries. (2) ARSC’s data acquiring platform, data editing 
platform, data conversion pattern as well as database establish 
platform adopt the most advanced Chinese or foreign software. 
Relying on its own independent developed serial data acquiring, 
data processing, data checking software package, ARSC 
intensifies the functions of various software. 
Various Surveying and Mapping Projects Technology 
Designing Schemes (Inner Materials)

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