Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 2. Procedure for preparation of integrated thematic maps 
Data used: 
The following data were used for the hydrogeological and 
ground water potential study. 
High resolution IRS 1C LISS III digital data satellite data. 
High resolution IRS 1C LISS III precision geocoded paper 
print satellite data. 
Aerial photographs 1:50,000. Geological Maps prepared by 
Geological Survey of India. 
Published literatures and maps 
Geology and Morphotectonics: 
The study area consists Mandhali Formation comprised of the 
quartzites, Blaini phyllites, Infra-Krol group carbonaceous 
shales and slates with intercalation of brown quartzites, Krol 
limestones, Subathu shales, Dharmshala shales and sandstones 
and the Siwalik sandstones, shales and boulder conglomerate 
beds. The Doon gravel comprises of boulders pebbles and 
cobbles of sandstones, quartzites and phyllites and 
unconsolidated and unstratified alluvial materials comprising of 
sand, silt and clay. 
The presence of a number of active fault systems north of the 
HFT suggests that the strains released in the region is 
distributed over a broad area above the decollment rather than 
all at the mountain front (Oatney et al., 2001) and the presence 
of south side up linear fault trace with variable fault dips 
suggests that the fault system is high angle reverse with a 
component of a strike slip this has resulted in the formation of 
structural hills south of the MBF. In the north of the study area 
prominent lineaments could be very well identified on the 
satellite images as well as in the aerial photographs and it 
clearly demarcates that the south side up offset which is also 
reflected by the truncation of streamlets along this line (Figure- 
3.1). The above phenomenon have shaped the morphology of 
the present study area Virdhi and Philip (2006).

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