Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
representation method is developed recently, that is Multiscale 
Geometric Analysis (MGA). 
An image contains several features that exhibit the ability 
through which the image can offer information to people about 
the objects presented in the image. 
In order to design a feature preserving lossy image coder it is 
important first, identify the features of the image to preserve 
and second, spend more bits to represent the important 
information and sacrifice fidelity or quality in other image 
regions (D. Schilling and P. C. Cosman, 2001). 
2.1 Compression scheme 
The structure of our compression system is shown below in 
Figure 2. We applied typical hierarchical dyadic decomposition 
scheme with filter banks: 5/3 biorthogonal. Coding algorithm is 
based on bitplane coding method. For wavelet transform, 5- 
level (for 512*512 image) decomposition was done. As 
directional decomposition is not suit to low-frequency subbands, 
only the two high-frequency levels were decomposed by 
directional filters, for each subband, 8 directions were made. 
After decompression, the images are evaluated by structure 
similarity method which is more appropriated here than the 
PSNR method. 
{ Evaluation By Structure \ 
V Similarity J 
Figure 2. The structure of our compression system 
2.2 The directional filter banks 
Directional Filter Bank (DFB) was designed to capture the high 
frequency (representing directionality) of the processing image. 
Bamberger and Smith constructed a 2-D directional filter bank 
(DFB) that can be maximally decimated while achieving perfect 
reconstruction. As shown in Figure 2(a)(LiYu, Lin, 2007). 
Do and Vetterli proposed a new construction for the DFB to 
avoid modulating input image, which we can obtain the desired 
2-D spectrum division as shown in Figure 3(a). The simplified 
DFB is intuitively constructed from two building blocks. The 
first is a two-D spectrum into two directions: horizontal and 
vertical. As shown in Figure 3(b). The second is a shearing 
operator, which used to reordering the image samples. By 
appropriate combination of shearing operators together with 
two-direction partition of quincunx filter banks at each node in 
a binary tree-structured filter bank, shown in Figure 3(c). 
(a) frequency 
(b) two-dimensional spectrum 
partition using quincunx filter banks 
with fan filters 
(c) the multichannel view of an 1- 
level tree-structured DFB 
Figure 3. The directional filter bank 
2.3 The Wavelet Based Contourlet Transform (WBCT) 
The Contourlet Transform (CT) redundancy occurs at the 
Laplacian pyramid decomposition stage. As a result we obtain 
two images, the first one resulting from low pass approximation, 
and the second one obtained from the high pass approximation. 
The image of details obtained (resulting from high pass) has 
always the same size of the immediately anterior, because we 
do not have resolution reduction. The directional decomposition 
is computed with the detailed image, .by that, if we made more 
pyramidal decompositions we generate at least a half more 
information of the above level as redundancies. In order to take 
advantage of the directionality offered by CT and to avoid the 
redundancy, we can change the Laplacian pyramid 
decomposition with Mallat decomposition. As DFB is not 
suitable to handle the low frequency content (Minh N.Do, and 
Martin Vetterli, 2005), it is important to combine the DFB with 
a multiscale decomposition, where the low frequencies of the 
image are removed before applying the DFB. This is the main 
idea behind a new transform called Wavelet Based Contourlet 
Transform (WBCT) which is a non-redundant transform. For 
the WBCT it is important to ensure that we can obtain the 
perfect reconstruction of an image for the best case. The process 
to compute the WBCT is as follows (Vivien Chappelier, 2004): 
1. Compute the DWT of an image, and in this paper we 
compute only log2 (image size) -5 levels.

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