Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
2.3 Atlas for NSDI 
According to Ormeling, national atlases present a synthesis of 
the knowledge of physical and geographic elements that 
characterize a country (in Aditya, 2007). Indonesian Atlas from 
Space is not claimed as national atlases, but it plays an 
important role as part of input to support our National Atlases. 
In the future, for the program of National Spatial Data 
Infrastructure (NSDI) in Indonesia, an atlas like this may 
support that program. 
3.1 Conclusion 
a. One of the several efforts to socialize geo-spatial 
information for the public, can be done through Atlas 
both in print-out and electronic Atlas. This effort is 
how to visualize all mediums: images, maps and 
pictures in the form of Atlas. 
b. The effort of visualization is part of excellent work in 
order to make the Atlas interesting. This Atlas 
provides the visualized quality of geospatial 
information so that public readers can easily access 
such information. 
c. Even though this Atlas benefits tourists, it can also be 
used for other purposes. 
3.2 Recommendation 
In line with the role of remote sensing and cartographic 
visualization for atlas, some recommendations to 
implement the efforts can be drawn as follows: 
a. To improve atlas visualization, various images are 
needed to insert. Other various satellite images from 
more sources of platform, like Landsat, SPOT can 
also be applied and used to enhance Atlas from 
b. An ideal proportion between remotely sensed 
presentation and cartographic media (maps), and 
textual narration need to be paid into consideration. 
Ratio 1,25 : 1 may not be ideal for an Atlas from 
Space. More numbers of images displayed on every 
pages may be required. 
c. Development of national geospatial data 
infrastructures, Indonesian Atlas from Space as part 
of the national atlas metaphor may be required to 
Aditya, Trias. 2007. The National Atlas as a Metaphor for 
Improved Use of a National Geospatial Data Infrastructure, ITC, 
Enschede, The Netherland. 
BAKOSURTANAL, 2007. Atlas Indonesia from Space, Pusat 
Atlas, BAKOSURTANAL, Cibinong, 2007. 
Fisher, P. (2004). Developments in Spatial Data Handling, 
International Geographical Union (IGU), Springier, London 

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