Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
We like to thank all members of the DeSecure team for their 
support in pushing the project forward and preparing the 
example data, and especially M. Butenuth and D. Frey for 
providing the extraction results of tracking and network snakes. 
Thanks go also to EuroSDR, in particular Helmut Mayer, who 
organized the test of automatic road extraction approaches. 
Bacher, U. & Mayer, H., 2004, Automatic road extraction from IRS satellite images 
in agricultural and desert areas. In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 35 (B3), 1055-1060. 
Bacher, U. & Mayer, H., 2005, Automatic road extraction from multispectral high 
resolution satellite images. In: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, 
Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 36 (3AV24), 29-34. 
Baumgartner, A., Hinz, S..Wiedemann, C., 2002. Efficient Methods and Interfaces 
for Road Tracking. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote 
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 34(3B), 28-31. 
Baumgartner, A., Steger, C., Mayer, H., Eckstein, W., Ebner, H., 1999. Automatic 
Road Extraction Based on Multi-Scale, Grouping, and Context. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing 65 (7): 777-785. 
Butenuth, M., 2006, Segmentation of Imagery Using Network Snakes. In: Interna 
tional Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sci 
ences 36-3, 1-6. 
Butenuth, M., 2007, Segmentation of Imagery Using Network Snakes. Photogram- 
metrie - Femerkundung - Geoinformation, 1/2007: 7-16 
Butenuth, M., 2008, Topology-preserving network snakes. In: International Ar 
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Hedman, K., Hinz, S., Stilla, U., 2006, A Probabilistic Fusion Strategy Applied to 
Road Extraction from SAR Data. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry, 
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Hedman, K., Hinz, S. and Stilla, U., 2007, Road extraction from SAR multi-aspect 
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Heuwold, J., Pakzad, K., Heipke, C., 2007, Scale behaviour prediction of image 
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