Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

art B4. Beijing 2008 
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
archy, surveying and 
responsibilities of 
nicipal and County 
into four layers at 
bounty level. Each 
eying and mapping. 
>ervision in Shaanxi, 
ies have their own 
1. Mapping agencies 
ework construction, 
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The Chinese made 
equipped more than 
es, i.e., JX-4A and 
itware being widely 
APGIS, SuperMap, 
using Chinese made 
collect geospatial 
based on Chinese 
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ased on geospatial 
uted, the integration 
i. Most government 
tion in many forms, 
nental coordination, 
dinating Committee 
. It is run under the 
lent and Reform 
e main members of 
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ordination authority 
ipment, it holds the 
en major members, 
ice (CAS), Ministry 
of Industry and 
es (MLR), Ministry 
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ovemment agencies 
support. Therefore, 
t should set up the 
g Committee. The 
established in more 
eilongjiang, Henan, 
icially approved by 
funded by the State 
na’s E-Govemment 
cient governance as 
lent program has 12 
iases including the 
'ormation database 
coordination of the 
[ by NDRC, MLR, 
SM are playing an 
ational data node of 
GF will give strong 
As a large key project, the National Fundamental Geographical 
Information System (NFGIS) has been worked for more than 
ten years. The concept of Digital China has been invented only 
a few years ago, and the NFGIS is playing a kernel role. The 
NFGIS consists of 1:1 million, 1:250k, 1:50k topographic 
databases and information service system. All provinces are 
establishing the local fundamental GIS served as components 
of the NFGIS. At this moment, the 1:1 million and 1:250k 
databases have been established and revised twice. The 1:50k 
database has been completed in 2005. This database contains 
more than 24000 map sheets of DRQ DEM, DOM, DLG and 
other datasets. The DEM has 25 meters by 25 meter grid. The 
DOM has 1 meter resolution derived from black/white aerial 
photo and remote sensed images derived from SPOT and 
LandSat. The DLG consists of geodetic control points, 
hydrographic features, transportation network and facilities, 
boundaries, built up area and construction, elevation, land cover, 
geographic names and annotations. All the datasets have 
metadata captured and managed. The full revision of the 1:50K 
database is undergoing to be finished in 2010. There are about 
2 million KM' land not covered by 1:50k topographic maps yet. 
SBSM is carrying out the West China Mapping Project to be 
finished in 2010. China will be fully covered by 1:50k 
fundamental geographical information to complete the national 
level geospatial framework datasets. 
Most provincial surveying and mapping bureaus are 
establishing 1:10k topographic databases as the kernel 
components of the local FGIS as the core part of the local SDI 
program. SBSM has drafted the technical guide book for 1:10k 
fundamental GIS construction. The geospatial data sets have 
the similar contents as the national 1:50k geospatial data. 
SBSM will release A Technical Outline for the Construction 
of Digital Region Geospatial Framework very soon. 
Most municipal FGIS are focusing on urban planning, land 
administration and precise municipal management. This type of 
FGIS uses 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000 map scales and includes more 
urban facilities. The standards related to municipal FGIS are 
not fully compatible with the national ones. SBSM is 
performing its best to uniform all the standards for geospatial 
information in the future. 
Similar to the traditional maps, geographical information has 
been widely used in land administration, forestry, statistics, 
municipal management, communication and disaster 
monitoring etc. Governments have made a great deal of 
investment to acquire geographical information. There are more 
than 10000 organizations and firms doing business on 
geospatial industry. All digital geospatial datasets have 
metadata collected. GISs have been established in many 
domains such as urban planning, land resources, forestry 
management, police, statistics, transportation, etc. However, 
they are still isolated according to the security classification for 
data sharing via Intemet/Intranet. Most GISs are for internal 
use not accessible to public. There are several companies 
offering Web Map service to public but not approved by SBSM. 
There are many people browsing Google Earth and Microsoft 
Virtual World. 
SBSM has organized the implementation of the National 
Project of Surveying and Mapping Infrastructure Project for 4 
years. Every provincial bureau of surveying and mapping has 
setup the systems for geospatial data acquisition, management 
and distribution. The project costed 240 million Chinese Yuan 
for establishing the geospatial information network, data 
processing bases and information distribution systems. The 
China National Network of Surveying and Mapping has been 
already operated for several years. It will run as the information 
exchanging framework for DCGF. Its coverage will be 
extended to connect all provinces in near future. 
The e-Govemment Program has outlined the catalog and data 
clearinghouse for non-geospatial data. There is a great need for 
catalog and clearinghouse to be set up for geospatial data. The 
establishment of NRGID will change the current situation. 
SBSM has made the plan to establish the catalog and data 
clearinghouse nationwide. The National Fundamental 
Geospatial Information Gateway or Clearinghouse is under 
construction in the National Geomatics Center (NGC), a 
non-government agency of the SBSM. All the provincial 
mapping agencies are establishing the Geospatial Data Catalog 
Service Systems to cope with the national geospatial data 
cataloging system. 
China has established the digital system for surveying and 
mapping in the last decade. According to the popularity of ICT 
and a great mass of internet users and mobile phone holders, 
the public needs for geospatial information are increasing 
dramatically. Geospatial information services are moving to the 
mainstream of IT. Nowadays the governmental mapping 
agencies are mainly offering geospatial information service to 
government and non-govemmental organizations. The services 
to enterprises are limited. The services to public community are 
still quite rare and with poor resolution. 
According to the latest governance structure reform, all 
governments are focused on economic adjustment, market 
supervision, social administration and public service. Mapping 
agencies are requested to give good service of geospatial 
information to the public. SBSM has decided to establish the 
informatizational system of surveying and mapping to promote 
smart geospatial information services to various customers. The 
public service system of DCGF will be established step by step 
in the process to achieve the objective mentioned above. 
SBSM will speed up the process to produce more public 
geospatial data products. The public service system would 
consist of several platforms. The first one is the governmental 
geospatial information service platform connected to the 
Intranet. All relevant authorities could share geospatial data 
through this platform. The second one is the national geospatial 
analysis and statistics platform to assist economic adjustment. 
The third one is the common geospatial information 
environment for value-added companies to tailor and add 
thematic information for various purposes. The fourth one is 
the public geospatial information service network. There is no 
limit to have more featured platforms. The most critical issue is 
how to make classified geospatial information declassified for 
public accessible. 
The construction of DCGF has been listed with high priority at 
SBSM. There are two of third provinces or autonomous regions 
planned the Digital Region Geospatial Framework as local

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