Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 1. Illustration of AMMGC model 
(4) Check the local max correlation coefficients by another 
searching image to obtain one or zero candidate matching result 
(matching pixels). 
(5) Compute the ground coordinates (Xi, Yi, Zi) of ground 
point Pi by forward intersection of the matching results. 
If we have obtained the image point in the reference image and 
its corresponding image point in searching image by AMMGC 
method , now how to use the least square matching of multiple 
images method to improve the results of initial mathching 
should be discussed in detail. 
3.1 Gray Observation Equation 
Suppose that is an image patch (a rectangle or a square 
generally) whose center is in the reference image, is an image 
patch whose center is in the searching image and is the pixel 
coordinate. The reference image patch can be considered an 
observation of the searching image patch in the least squares 
adjustment. So the following observation equation can be 
V, O, y) = gi (T (X, y)) - g 0 (x, y) 
The above equation is the least squares gray observation 
equation. Linearize the equation with regard to the pixel 
coordinate (x,y ^and ignore the high-order terms, according to 
v, (x, y) = g,. (T (x„, To )) + Ax f + ÿ- At, - g 0 (*> y) (3) 
ox i oy j 
Because of the very small field-of-view angle of an image patch, 
an affine transformation is considered to be satisfactory to 
model the geometric transformation between the grey values, 
with a reasonable assumption of a locally planar object surface. 
T g =\ 0 = 1,2,...«) (4) 
ly,=v, + v^xo+vvo 
The first order differentials of equation (4) can be expressed as 
|A*, = Aw , + + Xo A “ w . 
IAVz = Av i + *0 Al V + yM„, 
with the simplified notation: 
= ^L 
ox ’ o y ^ 
dx i 8y, 
Combining equation (3) and equation (5) we obtain 
v i(x>y) = T r (gì (T (x, >>))) - g 0 (x, y) (z = 1,2,...«) (l) 
V, (X, y) = g, (T g (x 0 , To )) + g'Aw, + g> 0 Au^ + g‘ x y 0 .Au^ ^ 
+ g'y Av i + g‘ y xo Av . + g‘ T« Am - g 0 (x, y) 
where g 0 = gray values of the reference image patch 
gi = gray values of the corresponding serching image 
(x,y) = pixe coordinates of image point 
vi(x,y) = true error function 
T r = radiation distortion of image 
T g = geometric distortion of image 
The radiation distortion can be solved when calculating the 
correlative coefficient, therefore the gray distortion between the 
reference image and the serching images do not be considered 
here .The equation (1) can be given by 
With the notations 
X] = [Aw,, A Uxxi , Au xyi , Av., Av^, Av^ ] 
' Ii=go( x >y)-gi( T g(Xo>yo)) (/ = 1,2,...«) 
A = [gl > g[xo ,g‘ x y 0 ,g‘ y ,g‘ y xo, g‘ y To ]

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