Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
1: Cru-Node) ; 2: Inner-Node; 3: Isolated-Node 
10: Reference-Node; 20: Interpolated-Node; 
100: Feature-Node. 
2) The other combinations as the basic types’ value added, such 
as, 11 for reference-cru-node, 12 for reference-inner-node and 
111 for reference-feature-cru-node. 
name type description 
Pnt ID Int Point object’s ID(PK) 
Pnt_type char Point object’s type 
„ A . The IDs’sequence of 
Pnt IDSequence Varchar , . 
n nodes(FK,l:n) 
Pnt Attr Varchar Attribute description 
Table 16 Point Object data structure 
Arming at these defects of OO-Solid model, the primitives, 
conceptual model and logical model of OO-Solid model is 
redesigned. At last the data structure, that includes all the 
topological relations for it, was designed. The key algorithms 
and key issues of modeling or dynamic updating based on 
OO-Solid model need further in-depth study. 
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MAO Shan-jun., 2002. Gray Geographical Information 
System—the Theory and Technology of Correct Geological 
Spatial Data Dynamically. Acta Scicentiarum Naturalum 
Universitis Pekinesis, 3 
QI An-wen, WU Li-xin, LI Bing, et al., 2002. Analogict 
tri-prism: a new 3D geo-spatial modeling methodology. Journal 
of China Coal Society, 38(4), pp. 556-562. 
Victor J D., 1993. Delaunay triangulation in TIN creation: A 
overview and a Linear-time algorithm. GIS, 7(6), pp. 501-524. 
WU Li-xin, SHI Wen-zhong, Christopher Gold., 2003. Spatial 
Modelling Technologies for 3D GIS and 3D GMS. Geography 
and Geo - Information Science, 19(1), pp. 5-11. 
ZHANG Yu,BAI Shi-wei.,2001. An Approach of 3D Stratum 
Modeling Based on Tri-Prism Volume Elements. Journal of 
Image and Graphics, 6(A)(3), pp. 285-290.

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