Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
that have different resolution. Six classes were defined; and for 
each class training data were collected and images were 
classified. Then classified images were reclassed as two classes; 
road and nonroad by merging classes other than road and results 
were compared. Although the classified data of high resolution 
images produced better results, several problems experienced; 
When the pavement of road surface changes (e.g. from asphalt 
to concrete) the contrast changes so the same road could be 
assigned different cluster label. 
Due to very high resolution, vehicle, overpass, and other objects 
on a road could cause misclassification for that particular part. 
Other objects such as house roofs, which have same spectral 
property as roads, are misclassified into road clusters. 
Figure 4: Classified images with two classes. 
• Many objects which can be recognized from high 
resolution images can not be detected distinctly in a low 
resolution image. 
• In a low resolution image roads can be extracted by 
using basic methods but the results have low accuracy. 
• In a high resolution image many detail information 
about roads can be obtained and the roads can be 
detected more accurately. However complex methods 
are required for this process. 
• Finally, the accuracy of road extraction from high 
resolution images is more than that one from low 
resolution images. 
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