Xincheng Guo a ,Yongqing Long b ,Weiyong Ji a
a School of Geology and Survey Engineering, Chang’ an University, Xi’an, Shanxi ,710054 -jwyl027@126.com
department of Urban and Resource Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shanxi ,710069
Commission VI, WG IV/3
KEYWORDS: Geometry, Mapping, System, Standards, Correlation
At present the defined symbol of filling block, linear, surface based point, line and surface is a common visual method of Map
Drawing Computer Software and Geographic information. In fact, the direct expression map symbol is insufficient a half of
common schema , so effective producing map symbol is one of the most important problem drawn by geographical information
technology platform. After analyzed medium scale map symbol, the attribute of map symbol and spatial object, relations among
geometric object, the author studied the law of map symbol composite, random and directivity , summarized and proposed the
defined system of map symbol based geological substances. The features of the system are corrections of symbol and the attribute of
geological substances, corrections of symbol and geometric types and features of geological substances.
The points of the system are as follows.
1. symbol depending on geometric types: point, line, surface, noodle;
2. redefine of geometric object: the new geometric object constructed by geometric object is used to produce complex symbol.
3. the concept system of symbolic definition: proposing the concepts of single meta symbol, basic symbol, graphic element symbol
and so on.
The paper showed all the symbol of 1:500-1:2000,1:5000-1:10000 schema constructed by the system, and reflected that the system
was effective.
A map symbol is a main way of space information
Visualization» And the map symbol is a method that can express
the regional map characteristic « At present, the map
Visualization of Space DLG data basically adopts the style of
point, line and Region. Point mode represents Point symbol,
line type represents line symbol, and filled region represents
region symbol. In the DLG map, symbol is unable to keep
compatibility with the map. And extensity and symbol can’t get
compatibility too.
For the sake of overcoming all above problem, we bring
forward the Object Oriented Geographic spatial Model, as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 the Object Oriented Geographic spatial Model
On the basis of the above model, Geographical entity can be in
the form of attribute, geometric object and symbol. Moreover,
geometric object of different geographic objects can be identical.
We can such understand, the symbol and geometric object are
independent, and the entity has not only the feature of geometric
object and symbol, but also its own feature and attribute, and it
can be as an independent object and derive a new object.
Different objects can be not only independent but also
dependent, and also can mutually inherit the feature and
attribute of others. This peculiar request need that the map
symbol own more powerful adaptability, but the symbol system
on the basis of point , line , region-based symbol system is
being a lot of defects, for example, such indicating problems of
the symbol and geometric characteristic in the condition that the
location of different geographical objects are the same.
At present the map symbol’s characteristics are as follows: 1)
the symbol on the basis of point mode , line type and filled
region is unable to be qualified for expressing the complicated
map symbol; 2)Symbolization of geographic information can
not be subject to attribute and geometric object.3) the robotized
degree of the map symbol is not high .4) the basic attribute of
geographical factors is unable to be automatically indicated, and
so on.
For all the above, we bring forward the definition system on the
basis of the spatial characteristic of map.
2.1 Map Symbol’s Orientation and Non-orientation
As the main way that expressing the map, the map symbols
should not only confirm the position of the geographical objects,
but also highlight the character of the geographical entity, so
which determine its orientation and non-orientation
characteristic. As cliffy slope symbol, as shown in Figure 2, the
generatrix shows the position of cliffy slope, and the burr show