Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Currently, various systems in different levels of integration 
have been introduced to the market. So it is necessary to 
evaluate integration approaches and various kinds of integrated 
systems. In this section, integration systems are compared in 
aspects such as level of integration and connection type. Due to 
the importance of integration of these two systems it is 
necessary to make precise studies in this field. 
Three level of integration between photogrammetric systems 
and spatial databases can be considered, that is: File-based Data 
Exchange, Direct integration and integration with active 
validatiin. Also, We can classify methods of integration of 
photogrammetric systems and spatial databases based on 
various aspects such as connection type, kind of systems and 
efficiency of systems. Integrated systems can be classified into 
two major groups based on the criteria of the connection type 
between photogrammetric systems and spatial database, which 
influence on efficiency of the system: (a) First group: Integrated 
systems in which photogrammetric systems and spatial 
databases are connected to each other with an internal 
connection and for this purpose some tools have been 
considered inside these systems. Presenting such systems is 
limited only to providers of systems because necessary tools 
should be available in order to create relationship inside 
Photogrammetry and database systems. Connection between 
Erdas Imagine with Arclnfo from ESRI, integration of Finnish 
ESPA with Smallworld and integration of PCI system with 
Oracle are samples of systems that are connected to each other 
by direct link inside the systems. In some of these systems such 
as Socet Set and Lamps2 developed by Laser Scan, this link is 
much more powerful than other systems and these systems have 
high efficiency. Samples of such systems will be explained later 
in this chapter. Since facilities of systems in this group have 
been provided by companies, they and they may not be 
completely consistent with user needs in different applications. 
(b)Second group: Integrated systems in which photogrammetric 
systems and spatial databases are connected to each other with 
an external connection. In this case, the important issue is 
defining an efficient interface between photogrammetric 
systems and spatial databases that can transfer data directly and 
provide possibility of active data validation. In this group, 
various kinds of photogrammetric and database systems can be 
connected to each other. By developing a powerful interface 
you can choose photogrammetric and database systems by 
considering the application needs. These interfaces can present 
various facilities such as data structuring. They can be 
developed by programming languages like VB, C++. Some 
advantages of using this method for connecting 
photogrammetric and spatial database systems are consistency 
of interface software to the application, flexibility and 
possibility of choosing favorite kinds of photogrammetric and 
spatial database systems. But it should be considered that 
creating an efficient interface is not easy and it should be used 
in particular problems. After evaluating existing integrated 
systems if they couldn't fulfill the application's requirements, 
this method can be useful. 
In the first method of integration, internal link, system facilities 
provided by photogrammetric and database system providers 
for integration can be used but this has some restrictions and 
may not match to the application requirements. By using the 
second method of integration, external link, application 
requirements are considered but in this way it is needed to 
develop a new link between systems with respect to 
requirements and this may not be so easy. Using this method, it 
is possible to choose desired photogrammetric and database 
systems with considering the requirements of the application. 
After comparison and evaluation of integrated systems, it can 
be said that each of these systems has some advantages and 
disadvantages. For solving problems in urban management by 
considering recent researches, it is proposed to develop and use 
a direct system with on-line and automatic 3D data structuring 
and validating tools using rule-based processing with respect to 
application requirements. In this paper, a new approach of 
integrating these systems is introduced. 
For developing the desired integrated system with on-line and 
automatic 3D data structuring and validating tools, after 
evaluating the requirements, it would have been needed to 
evaluate other activities and recommendations in this field. 
Then the results of this evaluation were used in developing the 
system. From the evaluation, it was resulted that active or on 
line validation using rule-based processing is needed to 
efficiently support the more complex data models coming into 
use (Woodsford, 2004). A strong candidate for supporting rule- 
based processing is object-oriented technology. In this way, a 
rule-based system is developed for on-line and automatic 
validating and applying consistency constraints on data in an 
object-oriented environment. 
In this research a system called OISDBPS(On-line Integrated 
Spatial Database and Photogrammetric System), has been 
designed and implemented. The developed system has five 
main parts that are: (l)main interface, (2)spatial database that 
can store spatial data and its attributes and also consistency 
constraints,(3)Quality Control part that contains a rule-based 
system for controlling consistency and quality of data and 
algorithms of checking and correcting structural errors of data 
and (4)data visualization part. In this paper the developed 
system is described with more emphasis on the development of 
a rule-based system for controlling consistency and quality of 
data. It should be mentioned that in the presented system 
topological relationships are used for detecting and correcting 
structural and topological errors. For designing this system, 
objects and constraints are modeled with consideration of the 
requirements of the system. In this system, data is structured 
and consistency of the produced data is controlled with respect 
to the stored information in the spatial database. This process is 
performed at the time of data producing and digitizing in the 
3D/stereo environment of the photogrammetric system. For this 
purpose, algorithms of detecting errors are applied and the 
correcting process would be performed at the same time if it is 
needed. After this process the produced 3D geoinformation will 
be stored in the database directly. Figure 1 illustrates this 
process in the developed system. 
For detecting and correcting errors and controlling the 
consistency and quality of spatial data, consistency constraints 
are used. Consistency or integrity constraints are

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