Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
As it is mentioned, this system is developed for acquisition and 
maintenance of reliable 3D geo-information. This system uses 
Oracle as its spatial database system and its constraint database 
which is an object relational DBMS and it has high 
interoperability, security and powerful functions. On the other 
hand, this integrated system applies Photomod photogrammetric 
system because of its popularity and accuracy and also its 3D 
stereo environment. In this developed system, algorithms are 
applied for the process of data structuring and correcting. All 
parts of the presented system were built using Visual Basic 6.0. 
This system uses Oracle as both its spatial database and 
constraint database. For sending, retrieving and updating data in 
the Oracle database, SQL commands were used in VB6, too. 
The visualization part of this system that visualized the stored 
3D geoinformation in the spatial database was also built using 
Visual Basic 6.0 based on MapObjects(ESRI). It should be 
considered that the stored spatial data in the database can be 
visualized in other ways such as using ArcSDE(ESRI), 
Microstation(Bently) and VRML, too. 
3,1 Evaluation of the Developed System 
For testing this system, aerial images of Shiraz (scale: 1:5000 , 
2004) were used. The photogrammetric model of this area was 
produced in Photomod photogrammeric system. Then test 
objects from different classes were extracted and saved in the 
database by using OISDBPS system. Saved objects in the 
database of the system have been assessed by three methods, 
that are: a) evaluation of data accuracy in the digitizing 
environment, b) displaying data of spatial database in the 
visualization part of OISDBPS system, c) using Radius Check 
software for labeling existing spatial errors in the database of 
The results of these tests have shown that the produced and 
stored geoinformation by OISDBPS system is fully structured 
and consistent (figure 4,5). Also time of data production is 
saved considerably by using this system. 
Area water feature 
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Closed Polygons 
of Urban blocks 
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Fixed elev of 
Closed Polygons 
of Constructions 
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Figure 4. Checking the produced data by OISDBPS system in the digitizing environment 
Figure 5. Checking data in the visualization part of OISDBPS system

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