Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

Zhang RongQun 1, * Zhai HuiQing ', Gao LingLing 1 
'Department of Geographic Information Science, College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China 
Agricultural University Beijing 100083, China - zhangrq@cau.edu.cn 
Commission VI, WG VIM 
KEY WORDS: 3S, Large Scale, Land Use Map, Updating Layers, Compound Alias Polygons, IRS 
The paper gives the following results of our study in the filed of the 3S technology application in the large scale land utilization map 
updating. ©The compound technology of graphics and images bases on the digital line graphic of land use. (2) We take the polygon 
boundaries of land use line graphic as polygon boundaries of compound maps, then construct the automatic identify technology of 
compound alias polygons; ©By using the methods of GPS single point repeated positioning-averaging, and continuously 
positioning-moving averaging, we gather the boundary data of compound maps (the updating contents of land use map) and analyze 
the date precision; ©We construct the updating layers bases on the spatial benchmark of local database of land use. At the same 
time, we put forward the conception of compound alias polygons to describe the study objects more clearly. 
The China land resource area is unclear since long ago the 
reported statistical cultivated lands area isn’t solid, the reported 
statistical national cultivated lands area is 953333 hm 2 (China 
Statistics Yearbook, 1996 ) .The National Land Use Survey 
carried on during early 1980s showed the cultivated lands area 
was 132520000 hm 2 (The Ministry of Agriculture Soil Fertility 
Station, 1985 ) .The National Land Use Survey carried out 
during 1987-1996 which used aerial photo and big scale 
topographic map as open investigation base map showed the 
cultivated lands area was 130039000 hm 2 (The Ministry of 
Land and Resources, 1996) ,and form then on carried on the 
change investigation every year on this basis, the national 
cultivated lands area was 121800000 hm 2 in the 2006 year's end, 
During 10 years the cultivated lands area reduced 82390 hm 2 , 
the situation is extremely stem. In order to further protect and 
verify the land resourcse, The Chinese government decided 
started from July 1, 1997, under the 3S technical support, used 
two years time to complete this land-use survey project.The 
paper bases on the experiment site work carries on the suburbs 
of Beijing study the integrated application of 3S technology in 
the large-scale land-use map updated survey, and focuses on 
improving the degree of automation of 3S technology integrated 
The basic data includes Land-use Actuality Map, Relief Map 
and Remote Sensing image data. Among these maps, the Land- 
use Actuality Map is the background database (Figure. 1), 
because it’t a subject map and the precision is affected. As the 
result, in the remote sensing data rectification, we use the 
registered scan 
relief map (Figure 2) as the standard data of image geometry 
The research data include the multichannel land satellite TM 
and the Indian satellite IRS to color syncretize by using the TM 
multichannel image and IRS image. The geometry resolution 
factor of IRS data is higher and the boundaries of the objects 
are distinct. Its nature value is well. The TM multispectral data 
has higher spectrum resolution which is easy to recognize the 
genre of the ground objects. 
2.1 Image Data Processing 
2.1.1 The Origin of Image Data: When the image has been 
color syncretized, it has higher geometry and spectral resolution. 
The distinct boundaries of the land-use style and the clear 
characteristics of the land objects are useful to recognize and 
confirm the boundaries for physiognomy, vegetation, water 
substance, residential area as well as land-use and land cover 
types. So it can improve the precision of the image 
2.1.2 Image Data Processing: The remote sensing image data 
processing contains following steps: ® Calibrate the TM image 
data using the IRS image data as the standard so that it could 
mix the two kinds of image data into one spatial coordinate; (2) 
Syncretize the TM and IRS image data by using the HIS 
method; ©Calibrate the syncretized image data using the Land- 
use actuality map as the spatial standard, cut and frame the map 
based on the standard framing 1/10000 land-use map. So that 
we can get the standard framing syncretized remote sensing 
2.3 Facture of Data Composite Diagram 
Corresponding author. *zhangrq@cau.edu.cn; phone 13 522 231 405; www.cau.edu.cn

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