Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
TM. All the information for land-use update could get in the lab. 
As a result, it can cut down the outside workload, reduce the 
cost and shorten the cycle to get accurate and real-time land-use 
updating map. 
©High quality data. The catche of the plots in the land-use 
update adopt the DGPS method which can obtain the plot 
boundary data in precision within 5 centimeters. It is much 
higher than the precision in the 1/10000 land-use cartography. 
©High administrator efficiency. There are two asides: one is 
that the survey data from the GPS just needs to be transferred 
from the 84 coordinate system into the reference system in our 
country and then it could work out the update layer; the other is 
that all of the land-use base databases, image fusion map and 
the updated layers store and run under the digital environment, 
so it is convenient for querying, issuing, inspecting, decision 
making analysis and the infinite showing of the scale, etc. 
MA Kewei. 2000. Technology land resources investigation in 
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J an van S ickle. 2001. GPS for Land Surveyors , 2nd edition. 
Chelsea, Michigan: Sleeping Bear Press 
Golledge, Reginald G. Klatzky, Roberta L. Loomis, Jack M. 
Speigle, Jon.Tietz, Jerome. 1998. A geographical information 
system for a GPS based personal guidance system. 
International Journal of Geographical Information Science; 
Vol.l2.N0.7, pp: 727-749 
Kamel Soudani, Christophe François, Guerric le Maire, Valérie 
Le Dantec,Eric Dufrêne. 2006. Comparative analysis of 
IKONOS, SPOT, and ETM+ data for leaf area index estimation 
in temperate coniferous and deciduous forest stands.Remote 
Sensing of Environment, Vol. 103, pp. 161-175 
Xinliang Xu, Dafang Zhuang, Shuwen Zhang. 2002. Land- 
use/The frame design of open air collect for the mutation of 
land cover based on 3S Technology, Remote Sensing and 
Application, VOL.17,N0.3, pp. 135-139 
Changxiu Cheng, 2001. The Research of the application of the 
3S technology using in the land-use updating investigation in 
the county, Thesis in China Agricultural University. 
FENG Zhiming, LIU Baoqin, YANG Yan-zhao. 2005. A Study 
of Changing Trend Chinese Cultivated Land Amount and Data 
Reconstructing : 1949-2003. journal of natural Resources, VOL. 
20, N0.1,pp. 35-43 
CHE Xuewen. 2007. The processing of SPOT5 orthoimage data 
for the land use change survey application, SCIENCE OF 
SURVEYING AND MAPPING. VOL.32, N0.3. pp. 178-181 
DONG Yuxiang, JIAN Luya, QU Anhong, et al. 2004. 
Technique and Method of Land Use Investigation Updating at 
Large Scale. CHINA LAND SCIENCE. VOL. 18, N0.4, pp. 28- 
The Project are supported by National Natural Science Fund, 
China (No.40771161) and the technology of large scale land 
utilization map, which is supported the Department 
Territory,the People’s Republic of China

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