Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetrv. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
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StartDate and Time 
toed! 4 
1998/03/19 1500:00 
Provide information to 
people who want it, 
when then wane it 
Create strength the link 
between local residents 
and administrative vodies. 
Create the coastal 
environment in a 
desirable way. 
.Coastal Zone Environmental Management 
Figure 7. Implementation of Effective Environmental 
Management by Using the Spatial Data Infrastructure 
Figure 11. Vertical graph 
It is anticipated that by sharing information in this way, various 
bodies (governments, research institutes, private companies, 
NPOs etc.) will be able to obtain information equally and there 
will be increased opportunities to discuss problems or issues 
At present, starting with the general environment of the coastal 
zone, diversification of the evaluation of information sharing is 
advancing and it has become a situation in which the previous 
type of one-sided evaluations from businesses are not 
acceptable. In other words, cooperation will occur due to 
various bodies equally obtaining information and by firstly 
drafting valid counter-measures and appropriate consensus 
building, and the realization of counter-measures will become 
From here on, management to ascertain how to reduce the 
burden on the environment, the specifics of the past and current 
environment in the coastal zone and to control the environment 
is required for continuing work in Japan’s coastal areas. It is 
necessary to promote the following approaches by using 
standardization and the clearinghouse of environmental data for 
(1) Anytime and anywhere, the person who needs information 
can obtain intelligence. 
(2) The administrative body and the local populace use the 
same information, and communications are activated. 
(3) It works for the environmental service based on the accurate 
Utilizing this structure will develop a situation in which 
everyone can share environmental data and it is expected to be 
able to qualitatively improve environmental improvement 
technology and analysis techniques related to environmental 
impact assessments which accompany the setting of 
environmental improvement targets and work in response to the 
conditions at the time. 
In order to share environmental data that “everyone” can 
“easily” utilize, it is necessary for as many bodies as possible to 
understand the initiative and participation. 
At present this information sharing structure is also being used 
for the Japanese enclosed coastal areas of Osaka Bay, Ise Bay, 
the Seto Inland Sea as well as Tokyo Bay. 
Furthermore, as this kind of environmental data sharing 
structure can also be utilized for the environmental data of land 
areas in addition to coastal areas, from hereon we also think that 
by understanding this environmental data sharing structure and 
widely disseminating it, many researchers will contribute to the 
implementation of sustainable national land improvement. 
Geographical Survey Institute, 2003. Japan Metadata Profile 
(JMP) 2.0 (in Japanese) 
http://zgate.gsi.go.jp/ch/jmp20/jmp20.html (accessed 23 Apr. 
ISO/TC211, 2007. ISO 19136 - Geographic information - 
ISO/TC211, 2003. ISO 19115 - Geographic information - 
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2004. Coastal 
and estuarine Markup Language (CML) (in Japanese) 
http://www.tbeic.go.jp/ch/CHManual/CH pro.html (accessed 
23 Apr. 2008) 
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2004. 
Oceanographic Observation Metadata Profile (OOMP) (in 
Japanese) http://www.tbeic.go.jp/ch/CHManual/CH_pro.html 
(accessed 23 Apr. 2008)

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