t B4. Beijing 2008
J. Fiescmcari' *, Boris Trstenjak b , D. Setnika c
a IGC, Slovenia - besenicar.jure@siol.net
ERC - ENERGETIKA d.o.o., Stanetova 27, Celje, Slovenia - boris.trstenjak@erc-energetika.si
L Geodetski zavod Celje, d.o.o., Ul. XIV. Divizije 10, Celje, Slovenia - dusan.setnikar@gz-ce.si
Commission IV/1, WgS
KEY WORDS: Climate, Environment, Application, GIS, Three-Dimensional System, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic
The United Nations climate report discloses that saving the climate is to make greater use of renewable energy resources. On the top
of this list are photovoltaic systems generating the power from sunlight reliably and without any impact on the environment. To
optimally exploit these advantages the photovoltaic systems must be properly located and oriented in the environment to meet the
required specifications (insulation time, area orientation, legislation data, static and/or dynamic power network etc.). To
economically justify the use of the photovoltaic systems the geomatic was applied in the decision making process. Slovenia has in
last 15 years systematically built up the system of national geoinformation infrastructure which is widely used in governmental and
private sector for different thematic and project oriented applications. This contribution would like to show the application of the
standard national geomatic infrastructure data base in the photovoltaic domain. The use of the data bases such as insulation, digital
elevation model, digital orthophoto, land cadastre and land register, cadastre of buildings, cadastre of public infrastructure facilities
and environmental spatial protection plans is described in detail indicating their role in the optimization process. The entire process
is supported with practical examples including the technical and economical components.
1.1 Solar energy
The solar illumination radiation of Slovenia was elaborated by
the quasi-global radiation model. Solar energy depends on the
incidence angle (astronomical and terrain conditions) and on the
duration of solar radiation. The annual global and quasi-global
radiation energy was calculated as the sum of all energies over
all decades. (Figure 1)
Figure 1. Energy of annual global radiation in Slovenia
1.2 Photovoltaics
Photovoltaics is a solar power technology that uses solar cells
or solar photovoltaic arrays to convert sunlight directly into
electricity. Photovoltaics is also the field of study relating to
this technology and there are many organizations devoted to
work on photovoltaics. The manufacture of photovoltaic cells
has expanded dramatically in recent years. Mostly the
installations are grid-tied, ground-mounted or building-
integrated. (Figure 2)
Figure 2. Ground-mounted and building-integrated photo
voltaic arrays
1.3 Geomatics infrastructure
In last 15 Years Slovenia has build up numerous
geoinformation infrastructure databases ranging from property
registers, technical infrastructure databases and various registers
to support the management of the real estates. The entire geo
infrastructure follows international standards and is
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