Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-1)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Figure 2. (a) A typical PDA ;( b) the 3D mouse; (c) regular 
mouse with trolley; (d) stereo glasses and radiator 
Undoubtedly, such kind of integration benefits the information 
exchange and sharing between image interpretation indoors and 
investigation in field, and thus evidently reducing the 
complexity and redundancy in the traditional update process. 
Besides, it brings much flexibility in the workflow adjustment 
and optimization aspect, making a transition from the traditional 
serial workflow to the more efficiently collateral mode. For 
instance, after the data integration during which pre-warning 
change analysis is carried out either through automatically 
image based change detection or field exploration, the update 
procedures can be flexibly adjusted and configured. Commonly, 
image interpretation indoors finishes most of the geospatial data 
collecting and editing work, which effectively releases the 
labour intensity in field and shortens the whole update cycle; 
besides, the work assigned to workers indoors and in field is no 
longer rigorously divided as before. In the collateral working 
mode, field workers are in double harness, on one hand, they 
work in field with PDA; on the other hand, they can timely 
download the field data recorded by PDA to the portable 
computers taken with them, and then the field data is integrated 
with the indoor data based on the functional modules installed 
on the portable computers. As a result, the process of data 
revision can be performed timely, which guarantees the 
correctness and up-to-date state of the final results. Overall, the 
operation mode of integration brings immense innovations to 
traditional serial workflow, also considered to be an effective 
exploration to the full digitized work tendency for field 
validation and supplement in future. 
2.2 Integration of multi-source information 
Inferred from the essence of image-based GIS database update 
described in the second chapter, data preparation is the 
prerequisite step for update which refers to the projective 
management and uniform process of various useful materials, 
primarily including the existing DLG data and multi-resolution 
multi-temporal image datasets, either spacebome or airborne, 
either in single or in stereo; meanwhile, the multi-scale 
topographic map and other thematic data from relevant areas 
and etc are sometimes included as accessory. The purpose of 
data preparation is to make multi-source data more efficient and 
utilized for update. 
Format transformation and data importation: the up- 
to-date spatial images, the existing DLG and other information 
to be used for update are in various data format. For geo- 
referenced images, the format can be Geotiff, Tiff or BMP; for 
DLG with the corresponding scale, which are stored with the 
separate map sheet and named according to the map sheet 
encoding standard, there also exist various formats such as 
ESRI Shapefile, Arcinfo coverage, Arcinfo eOO, Geodatabase 
and etc; for other materials like place name database and GPS- 
collected road net also have specific formats. Data in different 
formats are inconsistent in terms of organized structure, datum 
and unit, so one of the most important missions for data 
preparation is format transformation, where DLG in various 
formats are uniformly transformed to the inner designed vector 
format of the system; besides, DOM, DRG, DEM, etc. are also 
integrated into the respective inner supported format, i.e. data is 
homogenous in format within each dataset. The designed inner 
formats here are compatible with the indoor working 
environment in which the integrated vector and raster datasets 
can be loaded and registered in convenience. 
Block management: the image-based GIS database update 
not only relies on the up-to-date orthoimages for registration, 
collection and update, but also integrates photogrammetry with 
GIS for DLG^ DEM, DOM and 3D Model update. With the 
development of various airborne and spacebome imaging 
sensors, block management is also regarded as an important 
aspect for data preparation. Here, the fulfilment of block 
management mainly includes organization of the block data, 
generation of stereo models and seamless stereo orthoimage 
pair (Wang 2004) as well as orthoimage in single mode. The 
prepared block then is loaded to the indoor working 
environment, and stereoscopic observation and update can be 
carried out on the selected stereo models or stereo orthoimage 
Data registration, fusion and change analysis: it is 
commonly known that the image-based GIS database update is 
interpreting change information from various geo-referenced 
images, based on which the existing DLG is updated. Therefore, 
data registration here primarily concerns about the registration 
between different images, or between images and DLG. 
Generally speaking, there are mainly two approaches for data 
registration: one approach is adjusting the geo-reference 
information of image dataset through semi-automatic human 
interactions with multi-layer overlapping; the other routine is 
much the same as image rectification, through automatic feature 
extraction and matching of images and DLG, thus 
accomplishing the data registration process finally. Besides, 
spatial registration of multi-temporal or multi-sensor images is 
required for many applications in remote sensing, such as 
change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM 
generation from stereo pairs and orthorectification. Once 
registered, the images can be further fused or combined, in a 
way that improves information extraction. 
2.3 Integration of scheme throughout the update 
For GIS data collection and update, it is a prerequisite work to 
configure a comprehensive scheme. Theoretically, a scheme is a 
database file which is preliminarily integrated with the indoor 
working environment while the update performance is carried 
out, actually there is no definite restricts for the type of the 
database. All in all, the purpose of scheme configuration is 
organizing various meta-information for GIS data update into 
an open database. In summary, the update scheme mainly 
constitutes the following contents: it firstly manifests the 
hierarchical structure of the updated data, according to the 
relevant industry standard; next, the scheme establishes the 
corresponding relationships between the exiting GIS database 
and the new one, such as the reference of old and new feature 
code, the reference of old and new attribute field, etc. In 
addition, the configured scheme includes the meta-information 
of each category, layer and feature from the perspective of

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