Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Logically, all information must be integrated in a sustainable 
city planning. City planners, the Administration and Decision 
makers are situated at the activity part of the preparedness 
server. Validating the actual natural and artificial structure and 
to make use of this information to design a safer city is a sus 
tainable and long lasting work. City planners deal with various 
information and must build the communication interface be 
tween geoscientists and the decision makers. Typically, the city 
planners have the knowledge (and sensitivity) about what can 
be modified, what is possible in the legal frame and which is the 
right way to motivate politicians for investing into a “city for 
tomorrow”. However, as a part of the Crisis Management Sys 
tem, city-planners are strongly depended on the data other dis 
ciplines produce. These data are sometimes heterogenic and not 
compatible for making easy decisions. Besides the traditional 
developing and planning of urban structures, an entire risk- 
analysis with its recommendations must become part of en 
hanced master plans. Other already mentioned disciplines must 
be deeply integrated here, e.g. Geographers, Computer Scien 
tists and others. Our discipline can perfectly contribute to the 
GIS application, furthermore 3D data and the animation in vir 
tual reality environment is a highly innovative part, which can 
contribute perfectly to a sustainable city development. To simu 
late different planning scenarios in combination with a visuali 
sation of different disasters assists to all people for getting a 
better understanding of the needs to change existing structures 
of Istanbul towards a safer city. But city planning is not focused 
on the inner cities buildings only, also infrastructural objects as 
roads, bridges, pipelines and dams must become part of a mas 
ter plan that aims to reduce the risk and showing up ways to ac 
cess areas in case of a disaster. 
Dealing with such a big amount of various data needs a power 
ful sever or at least a server farm with spatial database and geo 
detic interfaces. Such a centralised data-server is needed for 
modelling the data and for the management of crises. Spatial In 
formation Sciences make use of GIS running on Server-Farms 
to handle these data and give access to specialists for analysing 
and modelling with the data and to produce new datasets. Geo- 
Data-Server Applications for storing all data use a Geo-Data- 
Warehouse with a Geo-Portal that manages access to adminis 
trative, scientific and public parties. This database also prepares 
the criteria for sustainable city planning with respect to risk 
management as well as to assist in founding strategies for the 
management of disasters. GIS and Computer Scientists of our 
discipline work since several years on the data handling via 
Geo-Data Warehouses since we are used to deal with a big data 
volume and a big variety data-types 
Such a complete data-collection enables to set up an early warn 
ing system and to organize a disaster management plan. It is 
important to find acceptance in the population and train com 
mon behaviour in cases of earthquake and/or Tsunami. A central 
server can assist in analysing chaotic situations in cases of a cri 
ses. It is important for the Crisis Management plan to take these 
conditions into account, however this is a difficult analysis 
which needs assistance of psychologists and other experts. 
What is the role of cultural heritage in a crisis management sys 
tem? Actually, we still can find the famous objects e.g. Hagia 
Sophia, Blue Mosque and others only partly influenced by 
Earthquakes or Tsunamis. Their positions are typically on saver 
places and their construction is already proven by a long his 
torical experience. Beside the fact that we can learn from their 
construction and placement, we have to keep care about these 
objects and preserve them since they are part of our cultural 
root. The urban structure around such objects might increase the 
risk for them in cases of a earthquake. There is a tradition in 
photogrammetry to observe, document and analyze cultural ob 
jects for their preservation and reconstruction. These new as 
pects crate a need for closer cooperation with city-planers to 
plan areas around cultural heritage sites with respect to preser 
vation on our cultural heritage. 
Today there is still a weak point in all activities; it is the final 
rendering of the developed concepts and ideas into real activi 
ties and master plans. Very often good ideas and concepts get 
lost due to changes of political parties or by lack of money in 
the related budget. However, it is much easier for decision mak 
ers to start new activities, when the concept is transparent and 
understandable and meets all aspect in a well-balanced way. 
Scientists usually have a lack of knowledge how to present the 
results even they have nice tools to build scenarios and simula 
tions. Too often, we believe that simulations and animations are 
just toys to attract non-scientists. This technology is able open 
doors to the administration and by that, it also hands over a key 
for accessing the public. If the population is aware of the needs 
for planning and reorganization of the city, rendering of the 
plans becomes easier and gets apart from political competition. 
This is sustainable too! Nevertheless funding is an issue that is 
on a basis that the scientist can hardly influence. 
An important issue of the Crisis Preparedness Plan is to con 
tribute to the rescue planning. Crisis preparedness means to 
simulate the disaster and to adjust the rescue-plans on basis of 
data in the Geo-Data-Server. The geo-scientific data deliver the 
modelling e.g. a simulation about possible destroyed infrastruc 
ture by shock waves. Other simulation might deliver run-up 
simulations and their affectivity on the urban structure. Result 
of these simulations is a spatial dataset (map) that points out 
where help is needed most urgently. In addition, here the data 
base can assist to plan the best access to these areas. Where are 
roads to access these places, which hospital is the closest, how 
to get machines and other material there? Where will the people 
go when being in panic? Psychological estimations must be 
come part of that since panic people behave not rational. What 
about infrastructures that can create additional disasters e.g. 
Gas-pipelines, petrol stations....? It is an important task for 
computer scientists with the help of geoscientists and psycholo 
gists to develop plans for entering and leaving theses areas. This 
extremely interdisciplinary cooperation might result in a route 
planner and navigation system on various levels. This “rescue 
planner” can also be used as a simulator to manipulate some of 
the input variables to estimate possible improvements that can 
be done in the city planning. In some cases, also rules have to 
be defined. A god rescue plan must include the population.

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