Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
Collecting GPS 
field Darameters 
! C ellular network 
Figure -6 Architecture of the mobile application. 
Observât tons 
Meteorological data 
Rainfall Source 
CWC/IMf/Siate Govt/others(optton) 
name of the gauge station 1 
Ut flung 
long: CU Fnter value ________ 
pT 'gin*,, 
Accumulated rain 
Rain rate 
In mmyfw 
h knots 
wind atrecucr, 
Hydroloeicol data 
Date a «me 
Hmm of the rivet 
Name of the gauge station 
weter tewi 
1 irtm of record 
ForeiaH levd 
Danger level 
Breach of etnbaiXment 
If Yes. 
Oat* of breach 
l at/Long location of the breach 
1»: T...3 
tong; tZ3 Lnier vafe 
Oh vvbtcii river 
kfcwby Village/district 
Name of the embankment oh 
which breach has occurred 
Length of the breach 
Flood Inundation details 
a previous year flood map has to be provided 
to them beftsce readirsp mo recorded 
Mmw oi tSfs* 
Affected by' whW^tStttir’ 
IT dropdown mend' (Hood. ' Cyclone.' 
Earthquake, others, specify! 
When was It last affected 
when historic floods occurred 
LU inter year 
Figure-7 (a) list of some the parameters collected through 
the application 
How many villages got affected 
List of villages affected 
What are the worst villages 
Did they go relief shelter 
It Yes, 
Name of the relief shetter 
For how many days they were in 
the shelter 
If No, 
How did people in the village 
cope up 
For how many days flood waters 
have persisted (remained) 
Damages (Crop) 
What is the area affected 
Is there any crop damage 
If Yes, 
What is the name of the crop 
How much is the damage 
Nature of damage 
Rain/ standing water/after harvesting/othe 
Damages (infrastructure) 
How many roads got affected 
Lat/long position 
Length of the roads 
Nature of damage 
Any alternate routes available 
for access 
If Yes, 
Lat/long position 
Extent of damage to the railway 
Moderate/ severe/not severe/over topping 
Did the trains stop moving 
If Yes. for how many days the 
restoration took place 
No of houses damaged 
Nature of damage 
Any compensation provided 
If so, how much 
Figure-7 (b) list of some the parameters collected through 
the application 
4.3 Web Application for identification of suitable locations 
for flood shelters 
It is important to identify suitable locations for detailed filed 
investigation for identification of sites for construction of flood 
shelters. Basically these shelters are used for rehabilitating the 
victims of flood disasters. The basic criteria adopted in 
development of the application are as flows: 
• The location should be accessible through road with in 
• It should be located in a village / settlement 
• The area should not be affected by an historic flood event 
• It should be on a relatively high ground. 
To satisfy the criteria, the essential database layers are road 
network, settlement map, historic flood inundation maps and 
elevation map. It is envisaged that users must be able to access 
to the information on suitable locations for shelters for their 
province/ districts. In order to ensure fast and effective service 
on web, online data processing and data integration was kept at 
minimum. The application tool was developed in ARC GIS 
environment. The tool programmatically executes the following 
• Using the road network 2km buffer zone was created and 
villages/settlements within the buffer zone were extracted. 
• The historic flood inundation occurred during last 10 years 
was considered and area under inundation at least once and 
non inundated areas were delineated. 
• The selected settlements / villages along with the road 
network were integrated with the flood inundations to

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