The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008
1.5°E 2°E 2.5“E
Figure 1: Geographic layout of evaluated CARTOSAT-1
scenes and ICC reference data used for verification.
3.2 RPC correction
Matching and thus GCP collection between CARTOSAT-1 and
ETM+ scenes is hindered by the large time and resolution
differences. Most scenes of the ETM+ mosaic have been
captured between 1999 and 2001, resulting in large differences
between CARTOSAT-1 and ETM+ scenes. Due to the large
differences in appearance, relatively loose thresholds on
correlation (0.7) and bidirectional matching coordinate shift
(0.5 pixels in the ETM+ image) have been used during GCP
collection. A sufficient number of well distributed GCP is
found for all 9 scenes. An iterative outlier removal procedure is
applied during the affine RPC correction estimation. Between
856 and 93 GCP are used for RPC correction for RPC
correction. The image space residuals of the GCP are quite
large, with standard deviation between 1.7 and 2 pixels, mostly
due to the large resolution difference between CARTOSAT-1
and ETM+. No systematic error is visible in the residuals.
The C-SAP demonstrated that subpixel residuals can be
achieved when a few high quality and well distributed GCP are
available (Lehner et al., 2007). From the above results, it is
expected that the Landsat ETM+ mosaic is not a suitable base
for deriving GCP with the accuracy required for CARTSAT-1.
The DSM based RPC refinement described in section 2.2.1 is
thus used to further reduce the error. To estimate the true
accuracy of the two RPC correction approaches, 68 checkpoints
have been measured in the ICC orthoimages and the stereo
partner Cat-A. The height of each checkpoint is derived from
the ICC DTM. These measurements have been automatically
transformed into Cat-A/F tie points via least squares matching.
6 window sizes from 17 to 27 have been used in LSM in order
to get statistical values for the accuracy. Forward intersection of
these stereo tie points results in object space positions. The
lateral and height differences between stereo points and
checkpoints are given in Table 2. It is obvious that the
correction based on GCP derived from ETM+ and SRTM leads
to a high shift in location and height. Considering the 15 m
resolution of ETM+, a mean difference of 12.5 m is still a good
result and indicates subpixel accuracy of the ETM+ Geocover
mosaic in the studied area. After aligning the stereo points to
SRTM and re-estimation of the affine RPC correction, the
lateral displacement reduces to 3.5 m. This is a very good result,
especially when considering the 90 m grid spacing of the
SRTM. Figure 2 shows the lateral shifts of all checkpoints.
Figure 2: Lateral error of Cat scene for the two affine RPC
correction methods, measured using independent
checkpoints. Red, thick arrows: ETM+ and SRTM
GCP. Blue, thin arrows: Align to SRTM. The arrow
lengths are scaled by a factor 200.
Lateral difference (m)
Mean o
Height difference
Mean a
Align to
Table 2: Accuracy of the two RPC correction procedures,
measured using well distribured, independent
3.3 Forward intersection and outlier removal
Forward intersection of the mass stereo tie points performs well;
no points are discarded with a relatively strict threshold of 0.5
pixels on the image space residuals. A few gross blunders with
mismatches along the epipoles remain and are rejected due to
their deviation from the SRTM DSM.
Table 3 shows the number of accepted points and their mean
height difference to the ICC reference DTM. When comparing
the differences with the checkpoint evaluation in section 3.2,
the larger height errors and standard deviations are noticeable.
This is caused by the suboptimal conditions for image matching,
such as the low sun angle and the mostly mountainous terrain
with vegetation. Especially in the Montseny mountain range
located in the upper right of the block, very large black
shadows with a diameter of several km can be found, leading to
large interpolation facets and resulting in a rather coarse DSM
with large facets. Most of scene 117/209 is covered by the
ocean and the city of Barcelona with large build up areas. When
comparing the generated surface model with the bare earth
DTM provided by ICC, a negative height difference, as well as
a larger standard deviation is expected in such areas. The
negative mean height difference observed for all scenes is a
good sign and shows that the CARTOSAT DSM is located
above the ICC DTM.