Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
One should note that the points selected in the imagery and in 
LiDAR patch need not be conjugate (Figure 2). In order to 
compensate for the non-correspondence between the vertices 
defined in the imagery and the vertices in the control patch, we 
will restrict the weight of the selected points from the LiDAR 
control patch, along the plane direction. The weight restriction 
procedure is performed as follows. First, a local coordinate 
system (UVW) with the U and V axes aligned along the plane 
direction is defined. The relationship between the original 
coordinate system (XYZ) and the local coordinate system (UVW) 
is defined by the rotation matrix R. The rotation matrix is 
defined using the orientation of the normal to the planar patch, 
which is derived through a plane fitting procedure using all 
points of the control LiDAR patch. The original weight 
matrix, XYZ ,is defined as the inverse of the variance- 
covariance matrix ^ xYz , which depends on the accuracy 
specification of the LiDAR data. Using the law of error 
propagation, the weight of the points in the local coordinate 
system (Pyyyy ) can be derived according to Equation 1, where 
P*xyz is the weight matrix in the object coordinate system 
defined by the LiDAR data, and P uvw is the weight matrix in 
the patch coordinate system. Then, the weight matrix can be 
modified according to Equation 2 by assigning a zero value for 
the weights along the planar patch, to obtain a new weight 
matrix P' uvw in the plane coordinate system. Finally, the 
modified weight matrix P' XYZ in the original coordinate 
system can be derived according to Equation 3. 
~ RPxyzR 
0 0 
0 0 
0 0 
pi _ p'pi p 
r XYZ — r UVW /V 
Next, a point-based solution using a regular bundle adjustment 
procedure, with the modified weight matrix ( P\yz )> 
applied to georeference the involved imagery. It is important to 
mention that in order to de-correlate the estimated parameters in 
the bundle adjustment procedure, one should make sure to use 
planar patches with varying slope and orientation when using 
control planar patches. 
Figure 2: Point-based incorporation of planar patches in 
2.2 Indirect Georeferencing using LiDAR lines 
Similar to LiDAR-derived areal features, LiDAR-derived linear 
features can be used as control information for the 
georeferencing of the photogrammetric data. This section 
outlines two methods for the integration of LiDAR linear 
control features in a photogrammetric triangulation procedure. 
2.2.1 Extraction of LiDAR Lines: Similar to the extraction 
of areal features, the extraction of linear features from a LiDAR 
point cloud is performed using a developed program (Figure 3). 
Once LiDAR patches are extracted (Section 2.1.1), 
neighbouring planar patches are identified and intersected to 
produce infinite straight-line segments. Then, the LiDAR points 
in the segmented patches that are within a certain distance from 
the infinite lines are projected onto the lines. The most extreme 
projected points along the infinite lines are chosen as the line 
endpoints. This procedure is repeated until all the LiDAR linear 
features are extracted. Once these features are extracted from 
the LiDAR data, the next step is the incorporation of these 
features in photogrammetric georeferencing. 
Figure 3: Extracted linear features, through planar patch 
2.2.2 Incorporation of Linear Features for Image 
Georeferencing: This section presents the two approaches used 
for incorporating linear features extracted from LiDAR for the 
georeferencing of photogrammetric data. The first approach is 
the coplanarity-based incorporation of linear features, while the 
second one is the point-based incorporation of linear features, 
where restrictions are imposed on the weight matrix. The 
mathematical models for these approaches are provided in 
detail in the following sub-sections. 
Coplanarity-based Incorporation of Linear Features 
The coplanarity-based incorporation of linear features was 
presented by Habib et al., 2004. This technique defines a line in 
object space by its two end points. These two points in the 
object space are extracted from the LiDAR data using the 
previously mentioned procedure. In the image space, the line is 
defined by a group of intermediate points. Each of the 
intermediate points satisfies the coplanarity constraint shown in 
Equation 4. In Equation 4, vector Kj is the vector from the 
perspective centre to the first LiDAR end point of the line, 
vector V 2 is the vector from the perspective centre to the 
second LiDAR end point of the line, and vector V 3 is the vector 
from the perspective centre to any intermediate image point on

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