Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
different formats with radiometric resolution 10 bit. The optical 
system of the Gamma-C sensor characterized by the field of 
view of 15.3 0 allows realizing the images in multispectral 
bands in three ranges: Ml (0.54-0.59pm), M2 (0.63-0.68pm) 
and M3 (0.79-0.90pm) with the geometrical resolution GSD = 
20m and with the image swath about 160km. The nominal 
range of viewing of the Gamma-C sensor was equal 890km by 
keeping of the radiometric resolution on the level 10 bit. At 
most one year later after the series of technical problems on the 
near-circular and elliptical orbit was appeared the newest 
generation Russian remote sensing satellite registered the image 
information with spatial resolution below lm. 
2.2 Resurs DK-1 
The remote sensing satellite Resurs DK-1 was designed by 
RASA (Russian Aviation Space Agency) within of the 
realization of the National Space Programme of the Russian 
Federation. The main designer and producer of the satellite 
system Resurs DK-1 was the State Research & Production 
Space Rocket Center “TsSKB-Progress”. Challenge for the new 
Russian satellite basing on the military recognition system was 
the task to entry in full tightly field of the performance of 
commercial remote sensing. The initial deadline of launch of 
the satellite Resurs DK-1 was happened on the December 2004. 
This deadline was moved on the April and later on the 
December 2005. However just on June 15 th , 2006 was informed 
that at the 12 hour Moscow time the space craft Soyuz-U was 
placed on the orbit the satellite Resurs DK-1. Finally the 
satellite was placed on the elliptical orbit with inclination of 63° 
and elevation of apogee and perigee of 585km and 355km 
respectively. In the round of the day the Resurs DK-1 can to 
register images covered the surface area above 600 square 
kilometers. The exploitation time of the Resurs DK-1 was 
qualified on 3 years. The satellite platform have ability to 
incline off nadir maximally about 36° causing that revisit time 
of this satellite is 6 days. Acquisition of the image information 
by Resurs DK-1 sensors is realize in panchromatic mode in 
spectral range P (0.58-0.8 pm) as well as in multispectral mode 
in three bands Ml (0.5-0.6 pm), M2 (0.6-0.7 pm) and M3 (0.7- 
0.8 pm) with spectral resolution of lObit. The geometrical 
resolution of the Resurs DK-1 image taken in perigee is lm for 
panchromatic and 2-3m for multispectral mode. The Resurs 
DK-1 acquires satellite images in the swath width from 4.7km 
to 28.3km in the nominal scanning range of 448km. The main 
task of the Resurs DK-1 system is the observation of the surface 
of Earth, acquiring in the real time very high resolution satellite 
images in wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum and their 
processing and distribution to the customers in the world. The 
Resurs DK-1 satellite was entered on wide range of research 
and was performed ecological duty through delivering of 
information for operating action in the range of the expectation 
and the extermination of disasters and extraordinary situations. 
3.1 Description of the test data 
In the methodical testing two panchromatic scenes with spatial 
resolution below 1 m were used. The geographic position of the 
scenes and their dimensions were adapted to requirements and 
possibilities which gives the realization of the research project. 
The first scene covered nearly of 12x12 km in the ground was 
represented the centre of the Warsaw and neighboring districts. 
This scene taken on September 24 th , 2006 from the Geoton 
RDK-1 camera with an inclination of 6.35° and scan azimuth 
angle of 31.45° was used. The second scene covering about 
10x10km in the ground represented the north-west districts of 
the Cracow was acquired in July 3 rd , 2006 from the same 
camera like first test scene. The sensor inclination off nadir of 
7.65° and scan azimuth angle of 30.76° was registered. In both 
cases the scenes was acquired with sun elevation of 37°. 
Approximate scale of images was 1:105,000. 
3.2 Methodology of the geometrical correction 
The methodology of the geometrical correction of the Resurs 
DK-1 satellite scenes take as one's model of geometrical 
correction of the very high satellite images such like Ikonos or 
QuickBird was elaborated by authors of this article. However, 
in the case of new Russian satellite images the mainly obstacle 
in the realization of the analogous methodical tasks was lack of 
the specialist photogrammetric software dedicate for 
geometrical correction. Distributor of the Russian satellite data 
made accessible for research project the set of coefficients 
which was equivalent for Rational Polynomial Coefficients 
delivered together with Ikonos scenes. The research team was 
received also files which represented orbital parameters for each 
scene. These parameters allowed to realization of the own 
solutions which using proprieties of the internal programistic 
environment of the PCI Geomatica software. These solutions 
of the elaboration of the algorithms enabling to realize task of 
the geometrical correction of the Resurs DK-1 images on the 
basis of Ortho Engine modules using for Ikonos image data was 
concerned. Adaptation the recording structure of Resurs DK-1 
metadata to the structure of the RPC coefficients format and 
structure of the orbital data of Ikonos system was the task of 
these algorithms. 
For the scenes of Resurs DK-1 covering the Warsaw and 
Cracow test areas of 28 and 24 ground control points 
respectively were measured by GPS methods. These points 
performed interchangeably function of control points as well as 
check points. The measurement of the image coordinates of 
ground control points was performed on the modules of Ortho 
Engine PCI Geomatica software v.10.3. It was assumption that 
the ground control points should be details unambiguously 
identified on the image and in the terrain, meanwhile their 
accuracy of measurement and identification should not be worse

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