Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
The quality aspect of the orthorectification process of the 
Resurs DK-1 scenes required of measure the large number of 
ground control on the basis which are calculated RPC 
coefficients. In the face of doubts connected with the access 
possibility to the full of Resurs DK-1 metadata the economical 
aspect reference to the rigorous model of geometric correction 
on the present day does not have the reason. The economical 
aspect of the geometric correction of Resurs DK-1 scenes 
showed the necessity of using the catalogue coefficients of the 
polynomial. The correlation of these coefficients with the image 
matrix can correct by measurement a few ground control points. 
The analysis concern to the technical and economic aspects in 
reference to digital orthoimages generation in 1:10,000 scales 
was conducted. The orthoimages generated on the basis of the 
test scenes were the object of the analysis, and in the peculiarity: 
• the panchromatic scene of Ikonos system covering the 
first test area about 121 square kilometers situated in 
the north-west part of Warsaw which characterized 
the flat terrain; 
• the panchromatic scene of Resurs DK-1 system 
covering the test area about 144 square kilometers in 
the center of Warsaw; 
Figure 2. The orthoimages covered the Warsaw test 
It is result of direct influence of the geometric correction 
process as well as elimination of influence of the terrain form. 
The small off-nadir viewing angles of the sensor caused that the 
geometry deformation of the pixels on comparable orthoimages 
are mainly function of geometrical correction their source 
image data. The large values of the elevation collection angles 
of the compared satellite systems causing that for the correction 
of the pixel position on the Ikonos and Resurs DK-1 is 
sufficient digital elevation model with the same standard 
RMSE H = 4m. The source of such height model for both 
images types can be calibrated set of SRTM points which for all 
users is free of charge. The reason of applying of the given type 
of satellite image can be only the scanning cost of the source 
satellite scene. The price of the programmed scene of Resurs 
DK-1 covering the surface of one square kilometer is 9.5€ for 
panchromatic and 13.6€ for multispectral range (pan-sharpened 
• the panchromatic scene of Resurs DK-1 system 
covering the second test area about 100 square 
kilometers situated in the north-west part of Cracow 
which characterized the hilly terrain. 
The analysis of the ortorectification process of the Ikonos scene 
was made in the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography on the 
basis of research works and technical assessment realized for 
Ikonos and QuickBird scenes. It was affirmed that in the 
process of geometrical correction of analyzed scenes in all 
applied methodical variants is possible to obtain somewhat 
better results for the panchromatic scene of Ikonos. The higher 
precision of RPC coefficients delimitation and high internal 
cohesion of the pixels in the image matrix of Ikonos were the 
reason of this. The accuracy of geometrical correction of Resurs 
DK-1 images assuring of the geometric criterion of the 
topographic map in 1:10,000 scale was obtained in all variants. 
On the basis of the analysis of the ground control points 
configuration on the test scenes in function of required results 
of geometrical correction, it was affirmed, that the costs of field 
measurements for both were shaped on the same level. It was 
show that accuracy of orthoimages generated on the basis of the 
optimum results of the geometrical correction of the source 
Ikonos scene is somewhat better than accuracy of orthoimages 
generated on the basis of the optimum results of geometrical 
correction of the source Resurs DK-1 scene. The orthoimages 
generated on the basis of test scenes showed on the (Figure2). 
area (Ikonos - on the left, Resurs DK-1 - on the right) 
version). The price of archival scenes of Resurs DK-1 is reduce 
to 8€ and 11 € respectively. The price of one square kilometer 
of the Ikonos panchromatic scene is about 18€ while the price 
of the same surface of Ikonos pan-sharpened scene is about 24€. 
Taking into account all comparative factors it was affirmed, 
that the higher costs on the commercial market, approximate 
results and the time consuming of the photogrammetric 
elaboration of Ikonos and Resurs DK-1 scenes confirmed the 
necessity of the interest oneself new Russian satellite images. 
These images together with the development of the Russian 
satellite systems may in the near future determining new 
standards in photogrammetry.

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