Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Voi. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
The results of this image analysis demonstrate the possibility of 
using these high-resolution satellite data to map bamboo forests, 
and also to monitor the phenologic cycles of the dominant 
species. The visual interpretation proved to be an adequate 
technique in this case, emphasizing that the knowledge of the 
ecological aspects of these bamboo formations was of 
fundamental importance to understand the patterns mapped on 
the image. Nevertheless there are still more detailed studies 
needed as far as the dynamics of this forest typology are 
concerned, considering the peculiarities observed in this area. 
This study is part of a project aiming the analysis of the spatial 
and temporal distribution of forests with bamboos of Intervales. 
These results evidence the possibilities for the discrimination of 
different vegetation classes using digital processing procedures 
at these images during further steps of the work, considering the 
specific characteristics of this region, referring to climate and 
topography and the need of ortho-rectification, a geometric 
correction necessary to improve the precision of future maps. 
Taking into account the results presented, QuickBird images are 
adequate products for mapping and monitoring at a compatible 
scale, the possible expansion of these bamboo forests, feeding a 
databank on the species of this region and contributing to better 
understand this landscape that was recently diagnosed within 
the Atlantic Forest domain. 
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The authors acknowledge the support received from FAPESP 
(Sào Paulo State Foundation for Science Funding), Process Ref. 
Nr. 03/12485-7, 04/13047-6 and 99/09635-0, and from ISPRS 
for travel grant.

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