Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
3.1 Ground Control Points 
GPS-VRS is used to collect ground control points. The 
selection of GCP was carefully observed based on distinct 
features of ground to image such as road cross-sections and 
centre of bridges. Even 22 points are observed scattering in the 
whole image; 14 points are selected as GCP and other 8 points 
are defined as verification check points. All control points 
(GCP and CP) are located visually observation on the image. 
3.2 Verification of Transformation Models 
In general photogrammetry, a model defines a set of interior 
orientation parameters (Wolf, 1983; Mikhail et al., 2001). and 
exterior orientation parameters In this study, the transformation 
of ground objects (x,y,z) to image coordinates (w,v) could be 
done by 3D projective function using parameters of vendor 
provided replacement sensor model (RPC), when the physical 
sensor model is restricted to public. The coefficients of RPC 
model ca be variable based on the sensors. Without knowing 
the sensor information RPC coefficients are using in 
photogrammetric processing such as ortho-rectification, DSM 
generation without noticed accuracy loss (Grodecki, 2001). 
Firstly, vendor provided RPC model is observed. The residual 
errors of the model result are showed in the table 1. Then, the 
errors of RPC coefficients are verified by the coefficients of 
accurate GCP. As of transformation model, the 3D Projective 
function is used. The function some time called as direct linear 
transformation (DLT) model can be represented by equation 1. 
u _ (a x x+a 2 y+a 3 z+a 4 ) 
(a 9 x+a l0 y+a u z+l) 
v _ (a 5 x+a 6 y+07Z+a 8 ) 
{a 9 x+a x() y+a n z+\) 
where a¡, a 2 , .... an are unknown linear orientation parameters 
between two dimension image space (w,v) and three 
dimensional objects space (x,y,z). The result of the model is 
showed in the table 2. 
The photogrametric model can be easily understood using 
simple below figure (2). 
perspective center O 
Figure 2: Simple photogrammetric model. 
To extract 3D information from satellite images, at least two 
stereo images, interior geometry of the sensor and exterior 
orientation parameters is needed. 
The study selected backward and nadir looks of ALOS-PRISM 
as stereo pair (figure 3). Moreover, the coefficient parameters 
are calculated with DLT model using GCP. 
DSM extraction from triplet image 
Forward y Nadir v Backward 
ti = f(x,y,z) 
OOO ps \ 
v = f(x,y,z) 
Figure 3: DSM extraction from PRISM data. 
4.1 Stereo Image Matching 
Fundamentally, satellite orbit and attitude information are used 
to generate DSM. Nadir-forward and nadir-backward pairs from 
triplet images are used to calculate parallax with tie-points by 
image-matching technique (Tadono, 2006). To generate tie- 
points automatically, least squares image matching is a 
powerful method to extract correspondence pixels from stereo 
pair (Gruen, 2005). In the method of least squares, the 
geometric differences can be modeled by affine transformation, 
while the radiometric differences are modeled by an additive 
and a multiplicative parameter. The main purpose of the 
method is to refine the approximate matching positions and to 
get high accuracy. The basic algorithm can be formulated in 
three dimensions with the following generalized equations: 
g,(x„y„z l ) + n(x l ,y l ,z,) = g s (x°, dx, y° s + dy, z° s + dz) ( 2 ) 
A g + n = ^k dx + ifdy + iirdz) ( 3 ) 
where g, (x,y,z), g s (x,y,z) are grey level function of the target 
and the search windows; n(x t ,y,,zJ is error vector; 
dg s dg s dg s 
dx ’ dy 9 dz are gradients in x, y and z directions, which 
can be declared as g x , g y , g z . 
If both the radiometric quality and the geometrical differences 
are considered, the equation (2, 3) can be written as: 
g, (*,,y,, z ,) = K + h, * g 5 [(a 0 + a x x + a 2 y + a 3 z), 
(b 0 + è,x + b 2 y + b 3 z),(c 0 + c l x + c 2 y + c i z)] 

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