Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
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Figure 4: Location and error size of check point. 
The study demonstrated that ALOS-PRISM DSM data has 
potential to monitor slope failure disaster when the failure area 
is greater than 6 m 2 . It was shown that the main requirement of 
the study is successes by the research. 
Even the accuracy produced by the model is enough to monitor 
30 cubic meters landslide, the investigated area need more 
accurate one because of only a few cm/year land displacement 
are contributing to the sliding land. However, this could be a 
very useful method to observe slope failure displacement 
without visiting the site which had been occurred. The over all 
accuracy of 3D measurement give 2.5 meters; it is almost 
similar to the ground spatial resolution of the PRISM data. The 
measurement produced adequate accuracy to produce 1:25,000 
scales in topographic map. However, some problem still 
remaining for future works such as to reduce processing time, 
to improve accuracy in low contract area, and to study 
impossibility of GCP collection in the close forest area. 
In future, Airborne Laser Scanner DSM data will be used as 
reference to investigate the consistency of PRISM DSM data. It 
is possible to investigate more models and it can be verified by 
drawing error vectors of each model to represent consistency of 
model based on selected area. 
The generated DSM are based on random points; it promotes 
the difficulty to calculate displacement. However, it problem 
could be solved by converting it to triangulated irregular 
network (TIN) model. TIN data is ease to calculate the 
displacement of slope failure with evaluation grids. 
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