Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
V y = Y a -Y K 
V x =X G -X K 
m. = 
\[v x v x ] 
m r =±, 
\[VrV Y ] 
m P =± 1 
\[v x v x + v Y v Y ] 
Y g , X G : coordinates obtained by another methods 
n: is the number of points. 
Figure 4. Distribution of the used GCPs on the image. 
2.3. Office Works 
2.3.1. Production of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 
One way of the correction of geometrical deformations due to 
topographical height differences which cause shift or horizontal 
changes in spatial position of features on images is orthogonal 
rectification of images. For mono images, DEM were acquired 
from maps. Used maps were generated from topographical 
maps, Which is scale 1/5000 ( contour interval 5 m.). 9 kontrol 
points have been used to accomplish adjustment procedure. 
Digital Elevation Model has been produced with automatically 
in 5 m interval from stereo images. 
2.3.1. Production of Orthophoto 
The orthorectification operation of the mono IKONOS image 
was carried out with ±0.5588 pixel accuracy by the help of the 
OrthoBase Erdas Imagine software using the digital elevation 
model (DEM) and the assigned position 8 control points. The 
orthorectification operation of the stereo IKONOS image was 
carried out with ±0.4855 pixel accuracy by the help of the 
OrthoBase Erdas Imagine software using the digital elevation 
model (DEM) and the assigned position 9 control points. 
2.3.2. Comparing of features points 
Erdas Imagine Orth Base Software was used to optain 
orthorectified images (mono and stereo). 220 feature points 
have been measured from orthorectified images which external 
DEM. , and 145 feature points have been from orthorectified 
images which produced stereo. 
In calculating the point position errors of the spatial data- 
acquisition methods, the coordinates (Y K , X K ) obtained by the 
geodetic method was accepted as the reference (Table 1), 
and then the point position errors of the other methods were 
calculated using the following equations. 
of points 
Accuracies (rms) 
m y (cm) 
m x 
Table l.The point position accuracies of the methods are given 
In this study, digital ortho photo maps have been produced 
using 1 m resolution mono and stereo IKONOS images. Mono 
and stereo images have been covered the same area. Some 
feature coordinates have been measured from the produced 
ortho photo maps of selected test area. The same feature points 
surveyed using electronic total stations according to 
conventional methods. Ortho photo coordinates and geodetic 
coordinates have been compared. Differences have been 
calculated and results have been given.Obtained spatial 
accuracy results close each other. Stereo images much more 
expencive than the mono images. Its cost can be increase 4-5 
times. Control points have been needed distributed on the 
terrain before the capturing images. DEM can be produced 
automatically and this is an advantage of stereo images. If it is 
possible to obtain DEM, which cover study area using 
convenient distributed control points, orthophoto maps can be 
produced with mono images in a short time and more 
This authors wish to acknowledge for the cooperation and 
financial assistance given by the Scientific Research Found 
(BAP) of Selcuk University.(poject number 2003/127) 

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