Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B4. Beijing 2008 
topographic data sets. However, the availability of such triplets 
of stereo images (HRSC, CTX and HIRISE) over the entire 
Martian surface is likely to remain pretty limited. One of the 
important surface properties, local surface roughness was 
extracted combining the MOLA beam broadening signature and 
18-50m stereo DTMs which are available over a relatively wide 
area. Unfortunately, the influence of uncorrected MOLA height 
values remained in the across track artefacts so that an area 
local surface roughness analysis is not yet feasible. However, 
our study did partly show the correlation of surface roughness 
with the distribution of geological and geo-morphological 
features. With the individual track’s MOLA local surface 
roughness across different origin’s dichotomy, this correlation 
is relatively clear. 
One issue that requires future solution is to make precise slope 
effect correction in local surface roughness by improving the 
accuracy of co-registration with MOLA data. The horizontal 
and vertical accuracies of HRSC shown by Speigel (2007) may 
not be enough to calculate very high accuracy slope correction 
values. Also, there is still some possibility of a few tens of 
metres shift between HRSC and other very high resolution 
topographic products such as HiRISE and CTX DTMs due to 
errors in orientation. To address this problem, over the basic 
approach demonstrated in this study, the following 
improvements in the stereo processing chain are under 
development and show encouraging results. 
1) The surface orientation adjustment between HRSC and CTX, 
HiRISE intersection points to set control points is being tried. 
This may lead to greatly improved accuracy of the HiRISE CTX 
SPICE kernel pointing information. The updated SPICE kernel 
can be combined with our current non-rigorous model to 
decrease the error of some horizontal shift which is currently 
observed between HRSC and HiRISE mapping products. 2) A 
more sophisticated matching system employing sensor 
information and illumination is under development to attain 
maximum possible DTM resolution. 
Such improvements should guarantee more noise free and 
photogrammetrically accurate mapping products so the more 
precise CTX and HiRISE DTM products will be applicable for 
surface roughness extraction purposes in the future. 
In addition, a Lidar simulation using back ray-tracing methods 
(Muller & Dalton, 1989; Lewis, 1999) will be tried with the 
HiRISE DTMs to give better insights into how the slope effects 
can be corrected. Once the best possible correction term is 
known the method will be applied over wider areas using HRSC 
global DTMs. Finally those local surface roughness extraction 
procedures should provide the data sets for a much better 
understanding of Martian surface process and the future 
selection of landing sites. 
We thank STFC under grant PP/C502630/1 for supporting this 
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