Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B4-3)

The International Archives o f the Photogrammetrv. Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVILPart B4. Beijing 2008 
analysis of HiRISE camera. For evaluation, a single CCD pixel 
was projected onto the Martian surface using telemetry EO data 
under the assumption that Mars is a sphere with its radius derived 
from the nearest MOLA point. The projected footprint was 
compared with another projected footprint using EO parameters 
from second-order polynomials under the same spherical 
assumption. A maximum difference of 2 meters, corresponding 
to 7 pixels, was detected from the comparison in this 
20-kilometer track on the Martian surface. However, for a small 
mapping area (for example, one square kilometer), the effect is 
smaller than 0.1 meter on the ground. This corresponds to only 
one third of a pixel on the image which is insignificant. However, 
further investigation on jitter will be performed so that its effects 
can be removed or reduced when mapping large areas. 
potential of further orbital-ground integration. The effect of 
orbital jitter, which is small motions of spacecraft around its 
nominal pointing, is evaluated in this paper. This study suggests 
that the topographic effect of jitter is insignificant when mapping 
small areas; however, further investigation on jitter needs to be 
performed so that its effect can be removed or reduced when 
mapping large areas. 
This work is sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space 
Administration (NASA). 
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Figure 5. Residuals after subtracting best fitting polynomial from 
original telemetry EO data 
The rigorous geometric model for HiRISE is developed in this 
paper incorporating the sensor calibration data provided by 
USGS. Mosaic of multiple image strips taken by HiRISE could 
be processed simultaneously under this rigorous model instead of 
strip by strip. Based on this model, a bundle adjustment is 
developed and implemented on HiRISE stereo pairs covering 
both Husband Hill and Victoria Crater. Along with precise image 
tie point measurements, trajectory data are also incorporated as 
pseudo measurements to enhance the geometry. HiRISE EO 
parameters are adjusted based on these measurements. Results 
from both study sites indicate that bundle adjustment 
successfully removes the inconsistencies between two images in 
a stereo pair. Four points measured from both HiRISE stereo 
images and geo-registered Spirit rover images are used as ground 
control points linking the orbital and ground geometry. 
Incoporating these control points, another bundle adjustment is 
implemented on Husband Hill stereo pair. The significantly 
reduced residuals on the ground features between orbital 
intersection and measurements from rover images show the 
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pp. 1179-1186 
Kirk R.L., E. H. Kraus, M.R. Rosiekl, D. Cook, J. Anderson, K. 
Becker, B.A. Archinal, L. Keszthelyi, R. King, A.S. McEwen 
and the HiRISE Team. Ultrahigh Resolution Topographic 
Mapping of Mars with HiRISE Stereo Images: Methods and First 
Results. Seventh International Conference on Mars July 9-13, 
2007 Pasadena, CA 
Shan J., J-S Yoon, D.S. Lee, R.L. Kirk, G.A. Neumann, and C.H. 
Acton. Photogrammetric analysis of the Mars Global Surveyor 
mapping data, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 
Vol.71, pp. 97-108 
Wang, Z.Z., 1990. Principles of Photogrammetry (with Remote 
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Mapping, Publishing House of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing, 
575 pages. 

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