Full text: Proceedings; XXI International Congress for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Part B5-2)

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008 
The normal vector m can be defined by the intersection of the 
projection plane C 67 with the image plane as shown in Figure 1 
and represented in the equation (4), 
m x x +m y y - m z f = 0 (4) 
where m x , m v , m z are the coordinates of the normal vector in the 
camera coordinate system and/is the focal length of the camera; 
x and y are points on the image edge. Given an observed image 
of edge 67, the observed normal vector m can be obtained by 
the equation (5), 
m = (Wi ~fY x ( x 2 > y 2 -fY ( 5 ) 
The location and orientation of the building 2 can be 
represented by a building vertex (e.g. vertex 3 (X 3 , Y 3 ) in the 
Figure 1), a building orientation along the X axis (e.g. the CL in 
Figure 1), and the building’s dimension of length, width, 
and height (e.g. L, W, H in Figure 1). Those unknown 
parameters are solved in the metric reconstruction stage. 
2.2 Recovery Algorithm 
The recovery algorithm takes as input, a set of correspondences 
between edges in the models and edges in the image. The 
correspondences are performed manually. The algorithm then 
automatically recovers camera pose and model dimensions, 
consisting of self-calibration and metric reconstruction. In the 
first step, the focal length is firstly obtained from image EXIF 
tags. The camera pose and the model parameters are recovered 
with respect to an object-centred coordinate system. In the 
second step, the spatial relationship of buildings is represented 
by three intrinsic parameters (building length, width, and height) 
and three extrinsic parameters (a building vertex location and 
building orientation). Those parameters can be determined by 
using model-to-image correspondence and the recovered 
camera pose. 
problem. The direct calculation of Jacobian matrix of the 
objective function O t is complex. To simplify the linearization 
of 0/, we rewrite the rotation matrix R as a multiplication of 
three sequential rotations, and compute the first derivative for 
each rotation angle. The Jacobian matrix of 0/ can then be 
formed as, 
^ mtpK 
nx 3 
m \ R m V \ m \ R v V \ m \ R K V\ 
ml R n,v„ rn‘Rv, m[R„v 
n UJ n n (p r " ** 
n T n 
> K = 
sin a: 
/? = 
0 1 0 
-10 0 
0 0 0 
Given the three initial camera rotations obtained from the 
previous step, the Gauss-Newton algorithm computes accurate 
estimates of the camera rotations within 2-3 iterations. 
Determination of Camera Translation and Model 
The objective function for determining camera translation and 
model dimensions is formulated according to Equation (3) as 
shown in Equation (7), 
o 2 =XK%-/)) 2 
2.2.1 Self-Calibration 
The self-calibration requires more than three line 
correspondences between the pre-defined model edges and the 
image edges, which consists of initial estimate of camera 
rotation, refinement of camera rotation, and determination of 
camera translation and model dimensions. 
Initial Estimate of Camera Rotation 
where i is the number of the model edges, n is the total number 
of the employed model edges, m, and w, are the corresponding 
normal vector and point on the model edge. In the case of 
rectilinear buildings, the minimization of the objective function 
0 2 is a constrained quadratic form minimization problem, and 
can be solved through a set of linear equations. It is also 
important to keep in mind that the resulting dimensions of the 
scene and camera translations are up to a scale factor. 
The objective function of obtaining initial estimates for camera 
rotation is formulated according to the Equation (2) as shown in 
the Equation (6), 
o, =£( m , r Kv,y (6> 
where i is the number of the model edges, n is the total number 
of the employed model edges, w, and v, are the corresponding 
normal vector and direction of the model edge, R is 3x3 camera 
rotation matrix. By summing up the extents to which the 
rotation R violates the constraints arising from Equation (2), the 
objective function can be minimized to obtain initial values for 
the camera rotation 
2.2.2 Metric Reconstruction 
The metric-reconstruction also requires more than three line 
correspondences between the pre-defined model edges and the 
image edges, which consists of initial estimate of building 
orientation, refinement of building orientation, and 
determination of building dimensions and location. 
Initial Estimate of Building Orientation 
The three directions of model edges, v ; (e.g. model edge 67 of 
the building 2 in Figure 1), v 2 (e.g. model edge 78), and v 3 (e.g. 
model edge 27), can be represented as shown in Equation (8). 
W sin a' 
v i = 
W cosa 
» V 2 = 
V 3 = 
, o , 
Refinement of Camera Rotation 
Once initial camera rotation is obtained, a non-linear technique 
based on Gauss-Newton method is applied to the minimization

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