The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B5. Beijing 2008
Discrete Global Grid (DGG) is an earth simulate grid that can
be infinitely partitioned without shape transform. This discrete
grid can simulate the earth surface when it is partitioned to a
certain degree [5]. It has hierarchy and it is continuous in global
area. So it is hopefully to solve the problems such as data fault,
distortion and topology inconsistent which will happen when
flat gird model is adopted in global multi-scale data
management. It has become a new research hot point in the
international GIS academe.
Nowadays the Discrete Global Grid is not mature. Instead many
different solutions using inscribed polygon are adopted. Some
are based on octahedron, such as the hierarchal structure model
of global data, the continuous index model, the spatial data
quality and hierarchal integrated model. Some are based on
dodecahedron, such as the global DEM and image data
compression model. Some are based on icosahedrons, such as
global hierarchal data index model, the global navigation model
and the global grid positioning system. Some are based on
generic icosahedrons, such as global environment detection
model [6].
But these solutions above have disadvantages. They organize
and partition data regions on the basis of triangle unit. So the
spatial operations should be carried out on the basis of triangle.
For the geometry structure of triangle grid is complex, it
doesn’t have the confirmed orientation and symmetrical shape.
So the spatial index is much complex and it is difficult to meet
the demand of contiguity analysis, spatial query, data updating
and visualization. Otherwise the data provided by data
producing department is strictly partitioned according to
longitude and latitude grid. It needs large mount of work to
partition and organize data according to inscribed polygon.
2.2 The simplified partition and organizing method
This paper adopts a simple earth partition method according to
the demand of global terrain visualization.
Plate Carree projection is to directly map the longitude
coordinate of the earth sphere to x axis and map the latitude
coordinate of the earth sphere to y axis. This projection method
results in the plane orthogonalization. The result of the
projected sphere is a rectangle with the ratio of length and
width 2:1. The demonstrative figure is Fig 1.
Figure 1. Plate Carree projection and geographic subdivisions
of the globe
Although the Plate Carree projection and geographic
subdivisions of the globe has distortions at the poles, it is more
simple and familiar to us. And it can meet the demand of
visualization for the two reasons below:
The first reason is that when we view earth from the space, the
view point is far away from earth. So we can treat the earth
sphere as a regular sphere and the elevation fluctuation of the
earth's surface can be ignored. It is not necessary to display the
coarsest terrain data on the earth surface. When the view point
gets close to the earth, we only need to display a pseudo
background sphere. When the view point is close enough to the
earth surface, the elevation fluctuation need to be displayed. At
this time the earth surface can be treated as an infinite flat
surface. In this small scale the distortion along the longitude
can be ignored.
The second reason is that when we browse the globe, most of
the action still occurs at the middle latitudes where the majority
of the world’s population is concentrated. In these places the
distortion is small and cannot affect our visual effect.
So in this paper Plate Carree projection and geographic
subdivisions of the globe is adopted instead of polyhedral
subdivisions. After the global surface is subdivided the pyramid
model and linear quad tree are used to manage and organize
DEM data.
Figure 2. Quad tree partition and organizing method
Some of the important parameters need be introduced in linear
quad tree and pyramid structure.
> Pixel: the elevation point in block
> Block (ID): the data in every leaf node can be presented as
block. The serial number of each leaf node begins from the
left-bottom comer of the entire terrain data. The origin is at
geographic coordinate (-180° ,-90° ). At the ID number
increase from left to right, from bottom to top.
> Layer: Refers to the layer of quad tree. The top layer is
defined as the 0 layer. This layer stores the original DEM
data; the data resolution is the highest.
The Meta data of layer in the pyramid is as below
struct CVGEDemLayerlnfo
int XBlocksNum;
//the Block number in x direction of current layer
int YBlocksNum;
// the Block number in y direction of current layer